Space Tourism


If you gazed upon the moon and wished to go beyond the stars, you are one of the many people who fantasies about venturing into space.

Several private companies such as Virgin Galactic and Space X plan to launch space tourism, orbital/suborbital flights, for the rich and wealthy as it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Experts stipulates that by 2021, global space tourism will generate $34 billion.

The journey promises to be life changing as it helps travelers gain a deeper and fundamental worldview. Several prominent figures have shown great interest in partaking in this adventure, the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Ashton Kutcher, have signed on to the project.

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By 2025 Space X is even set to provide flights beyond the moon, more precisely to Mars.

So if you fancy space tourism, it is time to start saving some money 🙂

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