Plan The Perfect Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day, the date that many men dread while others impatiently wait for it. It is the “trial of fire” that separates the exceptional men from the mediocre ones. True lovers, like kids on Christmas Eve, long impatiently for this occasion, as it is the perfect opportunity to show their strength while others fear it as it exposes their lack of romantic creativity and talent.

In order to celebrate this occasion, you need to understand the story behind it. St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, had endured the unthinkable for his lover. His life was stained by selflessness, passion and tenacity. He had the courage to express his undying love to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed from blindness.

Therefore, Love is synonymous with grand gestures, great sacrifice and unwavering fidelity.

Be true to yourself, If you can live a day without her, if you want to seek a future elsewhere, if you don’t see her as your wife, if you can tolerate the idea of her belonging to some other man, if you can replace her, if you can forget her, then you are not in-love with this woman. Therefore, it’s better not to celebrate this day with her.

Hereby our tips for a perfect Valentine’s Day:

  • Mood is the ultimate element: Create a romantic ambiance, don’t settle for monotony by doing things that you can do with her on any other day.
  • Avoid triggering her: You can’t expect her to be lovey-dovey with you, if you had upset her or failed her in any shape or form whether having left her for a while or betrayed her or just disappointed her. You must fix the relation ahead of time if you are seeking romance on this day.
  • Plan and strategize with smartness: Know her better than you know yourself and plan accordingly your romantic getaway.
  • Have an impeccable sense of timing: Read her perfectly, if her body-language is telling you not to get physical or even kiss her, respect that. Remember, love is extremely patient.
  • Don’t be minimalistic: Minimum effort isn’t impressive; it is basic and boring.
  • Show her how much she means to you : This is the perfect occasion to show your loved one how much you value and appreciate her.
  • Make her feel beautiful and loved: If you truly think she is beautiful, let your eyes, your smile, your everything express it.
  • Don’t expect anything in return: Don’t go all-out waiting for a reward. This is not a business transaction, don’t demand or expect anything in return.

Live and act as if  Valentine’s Day  doesn’t come once a year. After-all, novels, movies, poems and even articles are inspired by real people even if their story seem too fairy-tale like.

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