Rules to Live By


Heaven might be above us but hell is definitely upon us. In this jungle of a life, one has to abide by certain rules and learn some facts in order to strive through it.

You are worth your actions not your words: It is not what about you say but what you do. Same as it is never about what you know but what you can prove. Let your actions speak for themselves and evaluate them based upon how others evaluate them because most people especially men over-estimate their slightest effort.

Your results speak for themselves: Your intentions are not as valuable as you might think. Your results are what count in the end.

Love is a verb and privilege to be given to few: You might love someone with all your body and soul, but if you are of no help to them, ask yourself what’s the point? Calculate your love based on how much you are able to benefit those you love. Remember, if you treat everyone somewhat equally then what is the value of being loved by you?

No one is coming to your rescue: You are all you’ve got. Heal your wounds on your own and stand without leaning on anyone else. You are a 20sec thought to anyone else; even if they love you; they won’t invest time thinking about you more than that. No one will ever come to your rescue (or) save you unless you are the luckiest person on earth because you happen to cross the path of a real-live guardian angel. Those barely exist. Most people are too lazy, fearful and self-centered to help, fix, and rescue anyone else. We are not talking about physical (or) financial aids, but about active support. Those who know and succeed in lifting you up when you are down, who can fix your wings when they are broken, who remind you of your life song when you forgot the words, and who push you to the top when you feel you are drowning.


Don’t be Lazy nor Weak: Nothing is more repugnant than a weak or lazy person especially a man, those who can be easily broken (or) who spend their lives over-sleeping and slacking. Soon enough life will end and you’ll sleep eternally, try to take advantage of the time you’ve got. Don’t be a wimp, we are bound to not survive in the end, at least leave this world proudly.

Be Consistent: Moodiness and constant discrepancies between words and actions inspire distrust as well as disrespect. Being labeled as shady is something very hard to overcome.

First Impressions are Important: You are your own brand. What you wear, your grooming, how you walk and talk are what make (or) break you. Changing one’s impression of you is extremely hard; be sure to give the right image of yourself.

Take the Lead: Do what you have to do because there is no one else that is going to do it. Step-in when everyone else is leaving. On your shoulders rest the weight of those who you carry in your heart so make sure to limit

your circle.

Don’t be Delusional: Friendship and even love are nice, but truth of the matter is that sooner (or) later you’ll lose them. If by some miracle, you’ll find real love (or) real friendship, know that you are one of the privileged few. It is nearly impossible to find people who would rather die than abandon you; those who won’t let you go no matter what. So be sure to walk away first. As life will teach you, it is better to be alone rather than being disappointed (or) not well surrounded. Your circle is supposed to make you happy, if not, your soul and sometimes your body are telling you something, be sure to listen.

Don’t Owe Anyone Anything: Don’t be in anyone’s emotional (or) financial dept. Return the favor immediately (or) don’t even accept any. The only person you are allowed to owe anything to is your true love (or) your true friend. Never ever owe anything to anyone especially those you don’t really trust.

Be Different: In a life where everyone is somewhat the same, stand-out and be true to yourself. Be as your soul dictates. Don’t fake it to make it.

Be Generous: Of all the qualities in the world, this is the most admirable one. Be sure to keep yourself in check and hangout only with those who are generous. This doesn’t mean be a show-off or an irrational spender. Be careful, a stingy man cannot become generous. Even if he fakes it, there are always some tells that can help you see through it.

People Don’t Change, They Reveal Themselves: Don’t kid yourself, people especially men don’t change, they reveal themselves in the end. Unless they really want to everyday fight their real-self to be who you need, their true nature will take-over sooner (or) later. Ask yourself, can you live with that? If they are not what you want, there is no point in giving a second chance.

Choose Wisely: The only way to know the quality of a metal is to burn it. Same thing goes for a potential life partner. Nothing is as dangerous as being in a wrong relationship, even in a bad friendship. To put one’s life in someone else’s hands is not to be taken lightly even if divorce is always an option. Why swim the ocean to drown in the end?! If the relationship is meant to die (or) will not procure you what you need, there is no point in seeing it through. Add to the fact that, whoever you are with is a reflection of you even if different. So be careful who you are associated with. Your value is linked to theirs. If they are not up-to the standard, they are lowering yours. Are you willing to accept that?
In life, there is no sadder sight than of a miserable woman stuck in a rotten marriage (or) relationship. The partner can be of a good nature however this is not enough. Sometimes an evil man who is being exceptionally good with his partner has more merit than of a kind man. Why? Because it takes a relatively evil man more effort to be exemplary than it takes a good man. Add to the fact that, to the bad man you are an exception and your value is worth him going against his nature just to please you and make you happy. His every day is a testament of how true his love is because he is draining himself to be what you need him to be. Don’t be afraid to be alone; we are all going to die alone in the end. Don’t settle, test your man to the breaking point, trigger him every chance you’ve got, better to see his true face rather than his mask.

Your life literately depends on your choices and on those, you surround yourself with. Tread the murky water carefully.

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