Love in the Time of Coronavirus


Love is a verb in action and an oath to protect, defend and rescue, the one you are fond of. Therefore in times of Coronavirus, it is your duty to keep your loved one safe at all cost. Every day, whether consciously or unconsciously, your choices ensure whether the object of your affection continues to thrive or not. Therefore, if you happen to have found your one, you need to do whatever it takes to keep love alive and well.

A relationship isn’t invulnerable if not protected and immunized against compromising elements such as resentment, monotony, and disappointment. All types of relations require active work and efforts. A way of life does not protect love; to forge a strong bond: discipline, intuition, gratification, care and attention are required.


One of the proofs of love is protecting our lover from ourselves. A true lover is willing to compromise himself rather than jeopardize the other.  Therefore, in time of Coronavirus, it is essential, to take extreme measures to avoid putting your loved one at risk.

  • Maintain a safe distance of 2 meters at all times.
  • Adopt an obsessive approach to hygiene, as it will ensure that you keep the virus at bay.
  • Tactfulness and savoir-vivre protocols doesn’t only reveal a noble nature, but it also helps insure that you don’t compromise the health of those around you. It teaches you proper conduct: How to sneeze, never touch someone else’s belongings…etc.
  • Don’t engage in any physical contact.
  • Love doesn’t have to be physical. If true, affection reveals itself in how you gaze upon her, how your eyes light-up and your smile radiates when she is in your vicinity, the way you say her name.
  • Be alert, well informed and disciplined.
  • It is your duty to be wise enough to protect your lover from herself. Therefore, make sure that safety measures are in effect at all times. In matters of health, slacking is not an option. You have to raise your lover’s awareness in order to insure her safety even when you are not around.
  • Keep her entertained and calm. When you show her you are in-full control, insuring her ultimate protection, you leave her no space to fear for herself. Furthermore, the more you prioritize her happiness, the less she will be prone to get depressed.

In times of Coronavirus, love can be shown in many ways, one more touching than the other, such as this scene from Dustin Hoffman’s movie Pandemic (click here to watch it). This is your opportunity to show the depth of your protection.

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