Thank You For Loving Me

We solemnly say thank you to those who love us at our worst and who always see the good in us. We rarely acknowledge their unwavering care, deep attachment and their thirst to please us against all odds. They are the ones who cheer us and care enough to be interested in everything we do. Maybe “Thank you for Loving Me” is a sentence none of us is accustomed to say. Maybe it’s the cheesiness of the expression or the awkwardness it implies or simply because words are worthless in the end. What really matters, the measure of anything, are actions.

Love is usually contagious; one can rarely resist its waves when submerged by it. Unmeasurable care and dedication, is something hard to turn a blind eye to.

Real friendship and true love are perhaps the rarest possessions on earth. Everything expires and when you realize that, things like love and friendship start to lose their appeal. You start looking at people and estimating them based on their value nothing more. If they do not add anything to your life, if they bring nothing to the table, they are dispensable. In the end, if something is bound to die, why wait!

Thus, when you find a friend or a lover who loves you more than their own self, if your happiness and wellbeing are top priorities regardless of what is going on in their lives, you have hit the jackpot. That’s the only kind that doesn’t expire because it is limitless. You are in the presence of friendship and love in its truest form.

It is not hard to be loved, even dictators and killers have been cherished by someone at some point in their lives. It is being loved as you need to be loved that is rare. To really know you is to truly love you, to be able to handle you at your worst, to lift you up when the world is crashing down, to bring you back to life when you are wasting away inside, to seek your presence over anyone else, now that is exceptional.

So be sure to cherish the exceptional people if you are lucky enough to cross their path.

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