
Venice of the Netherlands


Venice has been widely recognized as one of the most romantic cities in the world. However, tucked away in the Netherlands, you will find its rival Giethoorn, a car-free village in the northeastern Dutch province of Overijssel, known for its boat-filled waterways, footpaths, bicycle trails and centuries-old thatched-roof houses.

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Giethoorn has several nicknames, like Little Venice (or) Venice of the North, as a testament to its charm and grace. It will not take you long to fall in-love with this village which gained notoriety in 1958, when the Dutch filmmaker Bert Haanstra made his famous comedy Fanfare there.

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Giethoorn has over 150 bridges and is a very popular destination for tourists as it offers the perfect rural experience.  In a haven, full of lakes, reed beds and forests, the picturesque village with its thatched roofs farmhouses and characteristic wooden bridges, is a magnet for those seeking an escape from their everyday life. In the old part of the village, transport is solely by boat over its many canals.

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Giethoorn has also established a culinary reputation for itself. It is home to various excellent restaurants that are sure to offer guests gastronomic enjoyment. Mostly situated at the water’s edge, restaurants, such as the 2 Michelin stars De Lindenhof, have everything to satisfy a curious food palate.

Giethoorn, is a must visit as it has all the making of a memorable adventure.


Not-for-profit Search Engine

Environmentalist rejoice, we found the perfect search engine for you. Ecosia is the world’s largest not-for-profit search engine based in Berlin, Germany, that plants trees by donating 80% or more of its profits to nonprofit organizations that focus on Reforestation.
On its landing page, you find the number of trees planted thanks to the number of users who resorted to searching through the engine.
In 2018, Ecosia’s CEO, Christian Kroll, answered users demands over finding a way to permanently save the Hambach Forest. This resulted in Ecosia,  offered €1 million to buy and save the last remaining stretch of the Hambach Forest in Germany.

Founded in 2009, Ecosia,has honored its promise and planted over 40 million trees  across 19 planting sites worldwide. The company is planning for more by end of 2019. In Autumn, Ecosia has even taken her mission a step forward by giving away shares to the Purpose Foundation, to ensure that founders can never profit. Ecosia also has its own solar plant for renewable energy.


The Forest Man

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Mājuli , an 880 square kilometers (340 sq mi) island, listed as the world’s largest river island in the Guinness Book of World Records. Long ago it was a rich flourishing oasis with wildlife bit grew barren with time as people cut down its trees and ravaged its nature.

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In 1979, Jadav Payeng, who belongs to the Indian Mising tribe in Assam, decided to go to the rescue of his beloved childhood forest.

The tenacious man left every morning his small hut carrying with him seeds to plant in Mājuli . He did so not only for his love of nature but in order to secure a better future for his wife Binita, and their 3 children (two sons and a daughter).  Payeng knows the importance of the forest. Being a farm owner, who is raising cattle and buffalo in order to sell their milk for a living, he knows that the destruction of the forest is the root of his problems. He attributed the loss of  around 100 of his cows and buffaloes to tigers because wild animals have been plucked from their habitats and are seeking food elsewhere.

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For 37 years, every morning Payeng repeated his routine, which resulted in the replenishment of the forest which is twice the size of New York City’s Central Park, USA. With the return of the vegetation so did the animals: deers, rhinos, and tigers.

Thanks to the tenaciousness and relentlessness of one man, Mājuli  has flourished into an unparalleled oasis.


The First Vegan Hotel

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“Saorsa 1875”, first vegan hotel opens its doors in the Highland, United Kingdom. Jack McLaren-Stewart and his mother, Sandra, decided to tap into the veganism trend and open the first of its kind vegan hotel in Pitlochry, Perthshire. 


Ensconced by 2 acres of natural woodlands and gardens and overlooking the town of Pitlochry, Saorsa 1875 is a unique hotel dedicated to showcasing ethical luxury.

Designed for vegans, vegetarians and the plant-curious, Saorsa 1875 balances the building’s Victorian Gothic origins with modern amenities to offer a unique experience. More than a synthesis of tastes, the hotel offers the perfect antidote to the frantic pace of modern living.

The 19th-century baronial house has 11 bedrooms individually styled with a calming combination of luxurious linens, bohemian styling and antique furnishings.

Downstairs, the lounge and restaurant is a cozy all-day spot for relaxing by the fire. Our menu is completely plant-based and showcases local, seasonal and foraged produce – all washed down with craft beers, a unique wine list and cocktails inspired by the region.

The boutique vegan hotel in the gateway to the Highlands, promises their consciousness guests a uniquely luxurious experience.

Sweden: The Edible Country


Sweden, the Scandinavian nation,  renowned for its thousands of coastal islands and inland lakesis, its IKEA brand, legendary ABBA band,  stunning natural landscapes and Michelin star culinary scene, launched a new touristic initiative.

In a touristic bid to capitalize on culinary tourism, Visit Sweden launched an exceptional program, transforming the country 100-million-acre landscape into a fine-dining restaurant thus highlighting Sweden’s wilderness and gastronomic richness.


The campaign titled Edible Table aims to create an accessible alternative to unhealthy foods and an inactive lifestyle, that is why it turned to four of Sweden’s Michelin-starred chefs. Together, they aim to transform the whole country into a do-it-yourself gourmet restaurant. Because in Sweden, delicious healthy food is just around the corner – in nature.

The concept of do-it-yourself fine dining means cooking Michelin food for free, with ingredients that one can find in Sweden.

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Four Swedish Michelin-starred chefs, Titti Qvarnström, Niklas Ekstedt, Jacob Holmström and Anton Bjuhr,  have created the menu for this culinary journey to the edible country. Despite being from different backgrounds and walks of life, they have a couple of things in common: Their love for nature and what it has to offer. This is perhaps one of the keys to the Swedish culinary success: Swedish chefs started to look for produce on the other side of the hill, instead of from far away.

You have several options to book from, each with a landscape more mesmerizing than the other: https://visitsweden.com/our-chefs/


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Voluntourism, an emerging travel trend which is a combination of tourism and volunteering to do good. Tourists seek destinations for the purpose of providing support to the places and people they visit.

Voluntourism is consequent to initiatives launched by organizations such as UNICEF, Save the Children, CARE International and World Vision.


Volontourism is mainly done by students who commit themselves short-term and take part in construction, tutoring and  food projects. They are also involved in working with social systems to support local communities materially and socially.

Voluntourism programs leads to engagement and cross-cultural experiences that help people understand and appreciate each others. Students learn first hand about the political, social, economic and cultural histories of the places they visit and are given the opportunity to help mend the depth of inequality.

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VolunTourism.org Founder, David Clemmons, launched The VolunTourist Webcast, a weekly call-in show features guests from across the globe, the majority of whom are voluntourism trip providers. In addition,  The VolunTourist Newsletter features voluntourism providers in the Supply Chain column, for those interest in partaking in such initiative.

Best Island in Europe for 2019


Paros, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea renowned for its mesmerizing beaches and traditional villages, won the coveted title of  Best Island in Europe for 2019.

Paros  topped the charts, voters rated the island according to its attractions, natural landscapes, beaches, food, and friendliness.

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Paros first place was achieved thanks to its Panagia Ekatontapiliani, a landmark Byzantine church from the 4th century A.D as well as its north coast’s Kolimbithres which is a beach where naturally sculpted rocks form swimming coves.

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Located, a few hours away from Athens, Páros is considered as Greece’s best-kept secret and most prized hidden jewel. Combining modern with traditional elements in an original way, the award winning island is a mix of traditional Cycladic architecture, vivid nightlife, magical Paros beaches, enchanting rural villages, and historical monuments.

Discover the cosmopolitan island that scooped an award for Best Island in Europe for 2019.

The Funniest Marathon


Nothing fun about jogging, people are less motivated to run than there are to diet. The Marathon du Medoc decided to do something about it and turn this sport into a fun and enticing event.

They decided to take the 8,500 runners through the picturesque vineyards of south-west France dressed in fancy costumes of their choice, giving them the chance to sample wines and food at a chateau during the marathon.

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This mardi-gras meets marathon event is one that celebrates the fine things in life, which are: Good food, good mood and good activity. During the race runners go through picturesque vineyards, stop at food and wine stations to eat fine oysters, steak, cheese, grapes and ice cream whilst watching musical performances and swaying to the music. Volunteers provide medical assistance in case needed.

After the race, runners can enjoy a funfest, with bands and local producers supplying more food and drink. Participation fee is €88, additional charges applicable depending on activities.

Marathon du Medoc makes sports an enjoyable rejuvenating experience where people can mingle, eat and enjoy jogging through nature.

Leonardo Di-Caprio’s Quest


When Leonardo Di-Caprio isn’t busy playing heroes on screen, he is actively playing one in the dark, for the greater good of humanity.

For the past 20 years, Leonardo DiCaprio’s Foundation has been establishing partnerships, supporting innovative projects that protect vulnerable wildlife from extinction, while restoring balance to threatened ecosystems and communities.

In a public statement, Leonardo Di-Caprio once said “Clean air, water, and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics; it is a question of our own survival.”


According to Leonardo Di-Caprio,  we are now experiencing what can only be called a planetary crisis — a convergence of accelerating climate change, unprecedented loss of biodiversity, and increasing human health issues caused by a toxic environment. Since 1970, we have lost one-third of the world’s wildlands, and in that time 50% of all vertebrate land animals have vanished. One-third of the world’s coral reefs, the “nurseries” of the ocean, have died and another third are expected to perish by 2030. Climate change is only adding fuel to the fire, with rapidly increasing global temperatures wreaking havoc on the delicate balance that has allowed life to flourish since the end of the last ice age. The situation in which we find ourselves is not just tragic for the thousands of species that will never again roam the Earth, but could threaten the very existence of our own species, homo sapiens.

In 1998, Leonardo DiCaprio established his foundation with the mission of protecting the world’s last wild places. LDF implements solutions that help restore balance to threatened ecosystems, ensuring the long-term health and well-being of all Earth’s inhabitants. Since that time the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) has worked on some of the most pressing environmental issues of our day.

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Through grantmaking, public campaigns and media initiatives, LDF brings attention and needed funding to six program areas — Wildlands Conservation, Oceans Conservation, Climate Change, Indigenous Rights, Transforming California, and Innovative Solutions.. Several successful fundraising events have enabled LDF to scale up our grantmaking strategy, driving support for vitally important projects around the globe.

Leonardo’s website and social media platforms are also dedicated to inspiring the public to take action on key environmental issues. Growing in reach from just 500,000 followers in 2007 to over 50 million today, Leonardo’s fans have engaged on an array of issues protecting key species — sharks in California, tigers in Asia, elephants in Africa — and calling on world leaders to address the global climate crisis.

In acknowledgement of LDF’s impactful work over the last two decades, Leonardo was designated as the United Nations Messenger of Peace for Climate Change and received the 2014 Clinton Global Citizen Award. In addition to founding LDF, Leonardo also serves on the board of several environmental organizations, World Wildlife Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Geographic’s Pristine Seas, Oceans 5, and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

The Island with the Turquoise Lagoon

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Perhaps the most beautiful island on the face of the earth, Bora Bora, a small South Pacific island northwest of Tahiti, used to be called “Pora pora mai te pora”, meaning “created by the gods”. Explorer Jacob Roggeveen called it Bora Bora and the name has been adapted ever since.

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A French Polynesia, Bora Bora is surrounded by sand-fringed motus (islets) and protected by a coral reef, in its center rises Mt. Otemanu, a 727m dormant volcano. Previously, a US military base during World War II, Bora Bora is now regarded as a luxury touristic destination. Several resorts spread around the island. The first one, opened in 1961, the Hotel Bora Bora, was the first to build water bungalows over the lagoon, it was later adapted by all the Bora Bora resorts.

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Bora Bora offers a luxurious memorable experience, whether with its overwater bungalows, underwater scuba diving adventures, private plunge pools, private dinner on white-sand motu or lagoon- where the waters teem with exotic reef fish and colorful corals.

The island, has a very romantic component to it. With its turquoise lagoon and perfectly white sand, it has everything to make you fall in-love with nature, life and even your partner ( :-p ). Beauty may be in the eyes of the beholder but real beauty is one that no one can contest, this is the case of Bora Bora.