
The Right Entourage

Success is all about who you know. We are not talking about networking and connections, but about quality of surroundings. The dominant trait of each individual you know, determines his worth thus value in your life. Be sure to classify your entourage properly.  

The Generous , This individual is “La crème de la crème” of people. Seek him for companionship and romance. Reliable and creative, you can count on him to turn any situation or event into a memorable experience. Fun and an honor to have around, this is the kind of person who won’t stay on the side when you are struggling to pay something. This is the type of individual who would never take back anything he brought you regardless of whether you need it or not. Generous people are such not only with money but also with their time, effort and emotions. They will lavish you in every way.  

The Empath, Seek him for comfort, love and devotion. Loving and kind he feels your pain and empathizes with you on all levels. He doesn’t only listen silently like a wall, he knows how to comfort you. Selfless he would always pick your wellbeing over his. Very obedient and reliable by nature, you can count on him to do the impossible to not let you down. An empath is always your biggest fan and will love you in a way that makes you in awe of him.  

The Guardian, Seek him for help and protection. Goal oriented, he sees things in terms of failure or success. With a mindset of every problem needs a solution, you can count on him and his surroundings for help. His entourage is always ready for help because they know he classifies them based on performance. After all love is a verb. Unstoppable and relentless, he will go to any length to make you happy, lift you back-up, dust you off and push you to be the best version of yourself.  

The Understanding, Seek him for friendship; he is the kind of person who would never take things personal. Tempered and clever, he has the patience necessary to remain under control. This kind of person would never take offense and will always view things from different angles.   

The only individual, you are better off as treating as if he is your divorcee is The Stingy. Never pick him to be your wingman, nor have him be your go-to person. Unlike generous people, their tightfisted mindset hinders them from being solution finders. They are easily discourage and seldom succeed in any assigned task.  

Make sure to have a good entourage, for your emotional well-being and success.

A Memorable Night

What goes into making a memorable night? It might seem like a very simple and easy question to answer but not quite.  Many elements play into creating the ultimate night.

The inner mood or state of the person plays a determining part. The company and the quality of conversation are also a determining factor. The level of preparation, efforts and planning that goes into making anything successful also are proof of caliber.

To simplify it, could an athlete win a marathon if he did not train and prepare well beforehand? So why would a night have any meaning if it wasn’t well prepared and the mood set a long time before? Men, in general, became too lazy. While long ago, they used to know the value of courtship, now the bear minimum make them feel entitled to something in return. Paying for a date, buying lavish gifts, doesn’t necessary imply a reward. It is not a business transaction. It is an emotional bond that needs to be well planned and forged with time.  

Many scenarios could easily be considered ideal. Some good food, great mood, and exciting conversation are enough to make an outing fun. Sometimes, all is takes is sitting in a nice hotel room by the window side savoring a good pizza or a burger while engaging in a fun conversation with your friends, basking in the knowledge that each of them are healthy and happy after having spent an adventurous day exploring a new area.

Sometimes, it is simply sharing a night after a long day at a rejuvenation spa where you both came out feeling refreshed, happy and the best version of yourself. Perhaps, it is sitting on a deserted, beautiful beach, sipping some pink champagne on a cool day, whilst enjoying some quick bite, listening to your friends engage in a great conversation.

When it comes to romance, the ideal night can not really be limited to a simple answer. The reason being that, a romantic night is the business card of a man. It shows you the depth of his love for you, how well he knows you, his level of creativity and planning, it shows you his proactiveness, his determination to succeed, his willingness to achieve. Everything about that night is a tell all. From his choice of attire, to the destination, to the gift he has picked, to the card he has chosen and even the pen he wrote the note with. In the end, losers try, winners succeed, this is a fact applicable in all aspects of life.

Few years ago, a colleague of mine, had an incredible Valentine’s surprise at the office. It started off with having roses delivered to her work station every hour and when there was no place left for her to sit, then came a huge box filled with lavish gifts. Everyone’s jaw dropped as they saw what he had bought her; some even questioned his sanity as he entrusted the box to be delivered to the office. At first, we all thought that he was making up for being abroad on Valentines Day. We were mistaken, he surprised her, on her way out of the office, as he came directly from the airport.
I read once about a husband, who with the help of his wife’s boss, was able to kidnap his spouse from work directly to the airport to enjoy a surprise getaway.

A great night is somewhat similar to love making. It is never about acrobatics, gadgets and positions, it is all about preparation, great timing, intuition, and the ability to really satisfy. As the man takes the lead, a woman is at her most vulnerable in this situation, so he can either succeed brilliantly or fail miserably. A great lover knows how to use his guts, his hands and his lips; he knows how to revive her with a simple touch. He is able to make her feel desirable and wanted. Stamina is only important when it comes to proving how healthy the man is. After all, a man’s charm is not only in his handsomeness. it is a major turnoff to be with a man with endless health problems, having someone midway become ill or be forced to stop because he suffers from acid reflux, weak bladder or heart problem, is not only a buzz kill but a death sentence to the whole relationship. In the end, a woman wants a rock to lean on, not a weakling or a health patient.

The bottom-line of any great night, is having those involved, whether friends or lover, happy, content and in a great shape.

The Secret Circle

We go through life like Ulysses, lost, unable to find our way back.  Sailing through unchartered waters, not knowing what lies ahead. Blind and oblivious to what might be in stored for us. With odds against us, and storms ahead of us, one has to take a good look at his sail mates.

There are two types of people: Those who make things happen and those who talk the talk but never walk the walk. The talkers are good entertainers, the does are rainmakers, and they are a force of nature. Remember, the more reliable and loyal people you have on board, the more likely you will sail smoothly through life.

The doers are generous by default; they do what they have to, to get you where you need to go. Their priority is to have you deck safely even if they have to fight you to get you there. Results are their compass and the only language they know; they auto-evaluate themselves on this basis. They have learned, long ago, that words and promises are as worthless as those who utter it. That is why they rarely compliment and seldomly promise.  

If making love is proof of physical attraction, trust is a statement of worth and value. Like friendship, it is made of levels. You can trust someone with small matters but not with big ones, and in that lies all the difference. Without utter trust, there can never be a solid relationship of any kind. How will you entrust someone with your life, love, friendship, if, they did not prove themselves worthy!

Furthermore, you need on board, the confidante, the person you seek when you find yourself losing control amidst the storm. That is the kind of person, who does not only listen in silence, motionless, he knows how to handle you and take the pain away. If listening without interacting were of any value, one would talk to the wall. At least, objects can’t betray. The confidante is a good listener but also a soul healer. It is someone who is able to take the pain away with his understanding and response. He subsides the storm and calms the waves. This person actually cares about what you have to say and has general interest in you.

You also need the enthusiast, the one who is always in your corner, always cheering you on, the kind of person who is an awe of things you do because he believes in you. He follows your every move out of genuine interest and care. He is not a dream sabotager, he is quite the contrary, and he doesn’t only support you but finds ways to actually help you succeed.

The constant, is also a great asset. The kind of person who is always on deck. Reliable, present and always in the moment. Focused and relentless, they are the qualities of loyal generous souls.

In the end, the most important questions you need to ask yourself are: Who do you run to when hope is bleak? Who lifts the load off your shoulders when things start weighing you down? And most importantly who makes you happy when nothing does? Remember, it is the easiest thing to make someone smile but it is extremely difficult to make them happy.

If these kinds of people are not around you, don’t despair, you still have yourself. When you have no one to confide in, you’ll realize that the only good listener you really need is: you. Why? Well simply because no one knows and understands you better than yourself. When no one is there to do the lifting, dust yourself off, and go. It is true however, that sailing alone into the big unknown makes things extremely tough, and makes survival difficult, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it is impossible.


The Golden Entourage

Some people bring the best in you whereas others the worst. The world might not revolve around you and you are far from being the center of the universe, however it is always wise to surround yourself with supportive, resourceful and result oriented people. Why fill your life-slots with deadweights or part-timers?! They will only take space that would be better filled by someone useful.

It is neither about: kindness nor wealth nor success in life. You have people with great jobs and salaries that are as stingy as could be thus are a pest to be around; you have good people at heart that only know how to talk yet can never serve you in anything worth the wait. Therefore, it is  simply about personality.

Pick those who push you to be the best version of yourself; those who will cheer you on to the finish-line, those who know you extremely well. They are the ones who want you to look fancy, act powerful and reach your full potential. They don’t only coach you or show you the way, they open doors for you. To reach you, one would have to go through them.

This kind of people always find a way, they are relentless, they achieve rather than make believe. Keep the talkers at bay, they are not made of a lasting material, they are merely “visitors” in your world. Achievers are generous and fun, they are far from being boring, they constantly surprise you, and always rise to the occasion. Most importantly, they do not offer moral support; they fix whatever is causing you moral distress. Simply because they despise words, they rather take actions.

Perfection is hard to achieve, it is merely impossible to cross path with someone who could fit all your requirements, however some people have flaws that are worth putting up with. Some imperfections like shadiness or stinginess are not tolerable regardless of the outcome but others are totally worth tolerating for the greater benefit they bring to your life.


Reality vs Fantasy


The wave of romance crashes and breaks as it hits the shore of reality. We have been taught, early on, that there is no such thing as fairy tales and some go a step further by blaming Hollywood and Disney for glamorizing true love. A concept so unattainable and rare that it borders the supernatural.

So beyond the glitters and butterflies, beyond the glitz and glamour, you’’ll find the sober reality. With experts advising people to lower their expectations when it comes to love and setting the bar so low that some might consider it offensive to men as it stipulates that they are only capable of so little. However, it is with sigh of relief that one comes to realize that even the darkest sky has the most radiant stars.

You are considered lucky to stumble upon a great romance or better than that: blessed, if you are the protagonist in an exemplary and exceptional love story.

Like gazing at heaven for escape, you listen to the stories of exceptionally lucky individuals who were the object of great infatuation and undying love. The man whose passion ran so deep blazing every obstacle along its way thus turning friendship into love.

The ones who says, and actually means it, “If I can’t have you, I don’t want anyone else”.

It is hard for some to understand such breed of men; it is even harder for others to believe that someone can or would be willing to gamble everything on an unrequited love.  They fail to understand that love is won by extraordinary actions. We are not talking about homewreckers or capricious people who pursue others for the sake of the hunt or people who force their love on another. We are talking about those who without any guarantees bet their years, pour their heart and soul to win the love of their life.

Maybe, Charles Dickens, captured it best in Great Expectations, when he wrote: “Don’t you understand that everything I do, I do it for you? Anything that might be special in me is you”.

A lot of people say “I love you” but how many live-up to the claim? How many write poetry without actually believing the words they scribble on a piece of paper?

True love doesn’t happen at first sight, doesn’t strive in mediocrity, it is so exceptional that it borders the extraordinary.

We often hear of tales of guardian angels. They are the individuals willing to go to the depth of hell to rescue their loved one; who would move mountains, look the devil straight in the eyes without flinching, defy the heavens, for “the one” and only “the one”. They might not be real angels, their wings might not be as white as snow, darkness might run deep in their veins, but without a doubt, their love is immortal, pure, and unsettling.  It is a volcano caught in a tornado.

Legends rise when reality falls, it is on the debris of mediocrity that exceptional lovers stand. No amount of books, seminars, poetry could teach someone how to be a true lover. They might be a breed in extinction but you can find solace in the fact that they still roam earth, somewhere out there.

Keeping the Butterflies Alive


Falling in love gives you butterflies, this sensation often recognized as a sign of affection and excitement, needs care to sustain it. So if you are looking to keep the butterflies alive, planning the perfect night out is the place to start.

First off, start with the basics: the venue. Do not opt for a safe choice: her favorite place, prefer somewhere new that you are absolutely sure she will love. Why is that, you might ask?  For several reasons, one of which: a safe choice shows lack of creativity and zero effort. You should be careful with what you choose to associate yourself with.  Let me explain it further with an example. One time I asked a friend of mine, why doesn’t he end his quarrels with his girlfriend with a kiss. He smartly answered that although effective, he doesn’t want her to subconsciously associate his kisses and love making to a bad event. He said that slowly but gradually she will resent his touch without actually knowing why. The negative connotation would have been imprinted in the back of her mind.

Therefore, you should always opt for being a source of love, excitement, joy and comfort. So pick the perfect place, the best seat in the house, reserve in advance and be sure to try the place beforehand.  Planning is key. Forget about spontaneity, it is what players advise altar boys to sabotage them. Remember that if you don’t know where you are going you’ll never get there.

Second, dress to impress. Don’t you ever wonder why players take such good care of their looks? Some are actually handsome while others make-up for it with an impeccable style and a buff exterior. A snappy dresser emulates class and charm. Also, when you dress-down, you give her the impression that she isn’t worth the effort of dressing up, and she will resent you for it. So, the next time, you want to opt for that shirt, jeans and shoes you already wore a million times before, think again.

Third, set the mood. Have the conversation planned out in your head. Silence is your worst enemy. Nothing turns a woman off like a man who bore her to death.

Fourth, don’t plan a friends night out. Why would she want you as a lover if she can get the same from a friend? If you are not able to pull-off a memorable romantic night, why would she want to be with you?

Fifth, pick a gift you are certain she will love. It is not the gesture that counts, whatever you choose represents your worth and her value in your eyes. Do your maximum within your means. Stinginess is universally frowned upon. For the daring heart, custom-make her a piece of jewelry. That not only shows creativity but also proves how well you know her. You can also opt for a dress you fantasize seeing her wearing. Knowing her right size also shows how well you know her body. Whatever you choose, be sure to do it with utmost taste with a clear sense of who she is. Pay attention to details, packaging is everything, from the bag to the box to the card you choose and the pen you use. Even the most thoughtful gesture can be ruined by poor execution.

Love is a peculiar thing, hard to attain and impossible to keep alive. Many emotions can endanger it, resentment, exasperation, and discord.  So be sure to go the extra-mile. Rest assured that,  in the back of her mind, you are constantly being evaluated, based on: How deep is your love, how well you know her, how good you treat her, how insatiable you are of her, how trustworthy you are, and most importantly what you are willing to do for her. If she can get what you offer, from any other, you can rest assure that sooner rather than later you will lose her and that will be your downfall.


The New World Post CoronaVirus

the world

As Singer-songwriter John Lennon once said “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” This is precisely what happened to the world as it was struck by the CoronaVirus pandemic. With danger looming around with no imminent end and many speculative scenarios, the assumption that this devastating tragedy will forever change the world becomes very plausible.

The surge of Videoconferencing Applications
Zoom and other videoconferencing applications have proven to be extremely helpful and effective during the epidemic. Not only businesses were able to use these tools to conduct meetings, even news media has resorted to them. News agencies have been able to conduct interviews with doctors and experts via these mediums. Thus this will open up the door to many more similar apps to flood the app-stores.

Accelerated digital transformation
Thanks for the pandemic, businesses, schools, universities and restaurants have realized the importance to gearing up towards becoming digital.  Resorting to e-commerce websites , delivery applications , and online courses have become crucial to any business’ survival.

Live Streaming
The trend of live steaming witnessed a surge in usage. From doing concerts to cooking classes to cycling marathons to gym classes, everything you can think of has been turned into a live streaming opportunity. Thus businesses have realized the importance of live streaming as an effective marketing tool.

Working from Home
Having been forced to let employees work from home during the pandemic, business owners realized that outcome is more important than shifts. As long as the job is getting done, there is no need to keep tabs on employees. Post-CoronaVirus employers have realized that it is all about the bigger picture. In order to focus on what is important time is of the essence thus there is no need for long meetings and presentations.  However with the typical nine-hours workdays no longer existing and the need to be continuously online, bosses will learn to exercise self-control and not takeover their employees’ life, bearing in mind that they are not dealing with a robot whose sole purpose in life is to serve them and their interests. Employees need to allocate quality time for themselves and their family in order not to burnout.

During the pandemic certain employees have proven themselves to be independent and in no need of management, thus employers have realized  that employees handle the business far better than  newly hired managers and consultants.

Frontline Workers
The need to re-evaluate the importance of frontline employees becomes imminent as they proved themselves to be essential during the pandemic.

 Hygiene Practices
If Coronavirus has taught us anything, it is the power of good hygiene practices. With restaurants implementing rigorous hygiene practices, this will become a permanent part of their operations:
– Washing hands repeatedly.
– Wearing gloves and a mask when handling food.
– Giving sick-leave to any mildly sick employee.
– Disinfecting the kitchen and space.

After Coronavirus, according to paper from Imperial College London  governments will need to turn lockdown measures on and off to keep thing in check. Furthermore, travelers will be needing more than only their passports to travel, some health certificates might be also required.

Long before the CoronaVirus pandemic hit, experts were speculating that sooner or later robots will replace humans in certain work areas. But with social distancing being demanded, which is suspected to continue, post CoronaVirus , certain businesses will accelerate their use of automation especially in the medical as well as well delivery field.

No matter what the future might bring, we need to go forth. As the poet Patrick Overton, once said, “When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.”



Love in the Time of Coronavirus


Love is a verb in action and an oath to protect, defend and rescue, the one you are fond of. Therefore in times of Coronavirus, it is your duty to keep your loved one safe at all cost. Every day, whether consciously or unconsciously, your choices ensure whether the object of your affection continues to thrive or not. Therefore, if you happen to have found your one, you need to do whatever it takes to keep love alive and well.

A relationship isn’t invulnerable if not protected and immunized against compromising elements such as resentment, monotony, and disappointment. All types of relations require active work and efforts. A way of life does not protect love; to forge a strong bond: discipline, intuition, gratification, care and attention are required.


One of the proofs of love is protecting our lover from ourselves. A true lover is willing to compromise himself rather than jeopardize the other.  Therefore, in time of Coronavirus, it is essential, to take extreme measures to avoid putting your loved one at risk.

  • Maintain a safe distance of 2 meters at all times.
  • Adopt an obsessive approach to hygiene, as it will ensure that you keep the virus at bay.
  • Tactfulness and savoir-vivre protocols doesn’t only reveal a noble nature, but it also helps insure that you don’t compromise the health of those around you. It teaches you proper conduct: How to sneeze, never touch someone else’s belongings…etc.
  • Don’t engage in any physical contact.
  • Love doesn’t have to be physical. If true, affection reveals itself in how you gaze upon her, how your eyes light-up and your smile radiates when she is in your vicinity, the way you say her name.
  • Be alert, well informed and disciplined.
  • It is your duty to be wise enough to protect your lover from herself. Therefore, make sure that safety measures are in effect at all times. In matters of health, slacking is not an option. You have to raise your lover’s awareness in order to insure her safety even when you are not around.
  • Keep her entertained and calm. When you show her you are in-full control, insuring her ultimate protection, you leave her no space to fear for herself. Furthermore, the more you prioritize her happiness, the less she will be prone to get depressed.

In times of Coronavirus, love can be shown in many ways, one more touching than the other, such as this scene from Dustin Hoffman’s movie Pandemic (click here to watch it). This is your opportunity to show the depth of your protection.

Rules to Live By


Heaven might be above us but hell is definitely upon us. In this jungle of a life, one has to abide by certain rules and learn some facts in order to strive through it.

You are worth your actions not your words: It is not what about you say but what you do. Same as it is never about what you know but what you can prove. Let your actions speak for themselves and evaluate them based upon how others evaluate them because most people especially men over-estimate their slightest effort.

Your results speak for themselves: Your intentions are not as valuable as you might think. Your results are what count in the end.

Love is a verb and privilege to be given to few: You might love someone with all your body and soul, but if you are of no help to them, ask yourself what’s the point? Calculate your love based on how much you are able to benefit those you love. Remember, if you treat everyone somewhat equally then what is the value of being loved by you?

No one is coming to your rescue: You are all you’ve got. Heal your wounds on your own and stand without leaning on anyone else. You are a 20sec thought to anyone else; even if they love you; they won’t invest time thinking about you more than that. No one will ever come to your rescue (or) save you unless you are the luckiest person on earth because you happen to cross the path of a real-live guardian angel. Those barely exist. Most people are too lazy, fearful and self-centered to help, fix, and rescue anyone else. We are not talking about physical (or) financial aids, but about active support. Those who know and succeed in lifting you up when you are down, who can fix your wings when they are broken, who remind you of your life song when you forgot the words, and who push you to the top when you feel you are drowning.


Don’t be Lazy nor Weak: Nothing is more repugnant than a weak or lazy person especially a man, those who can be easily broken (or) who spend their lives over-sleeping and slacking. Soon enough life will end and you’ll sleep eternally, try to take advantage of the time you’ve got. Don’t be a wimp, we are bound to not survive in the end, at least leave this world proudly.

Be Consistent: Moodiness and constant discrepancies between words and actions inspire distrust as well as disrespect. Being labeled as shady is something very hard to overcome.

First Impressions are Important: You are your own brand. What you wear, your grooming, how you walk and talk are what make (or) break you. Changing one’s impression of you is extremely hard; be sure to give the right image of yourself.

Take the Lead: Do what you have to do because there is no one else that is going to do it. Step-in when everyone else is leaving. On your shoulders rest the weight of those who you carry in your heart so make sure to limit

your circle.

Don’t be Delusional: Friendship and even love are nice, but truth of the matter is that sooner (or) later you’ll lose them. If by some miracle, you’ll find real love (or) real friendship, know that you are one of the privileged few. It is nearly impossible to find people who would rather die than abandon you; those who won’t let you go no matter what. So be sure to walk away first. As life will teach you, it is better to be alone rather than being disappointed (or) not well surrounded. Your circle is supposed to make you happy, if not, your soul and sometimes your body are telling you something, be sure to listen.

Don’t Owe Anyone Anything: Don’t be in anyone’s emotional (or) financial dept. Return the favor immediately (or) don’t even accept any. The only person you are allowed to owe anything to is your true love (or) your true friend. Never ever owe anything to anyone especially those you don’t really trust.

Be Different: In a life where everyone is somewhat the same, stand-out and be true to yourself. Be as your soul dictates. Don’t fake it to make it.

Be Generous: Of all the qualities in the world, this is the most admirable one. Be sure to keep yourself in check and hangout only with those who are generous. This doesn’t mean be a show-off or an irrational spender. Be careful, a stingy man cannot become generous. Even if he fakes it, there are always some tells that can help you see through it.

People Don’t Change, They Reveal Themselves: Don’t kid yourself, people especially men don’t change, they reveal themselves in the end. Unless they really want to everyday fight their real-self to be who you need, their true nature will take-over sooner (or) later. Ask yourself, can you live with that? If they are not what you want, there is no point in giving a second chance.

Choose Wisely: The only way to know the quality of a metal is to burn it. Same thing goes for a potential life partner. Nothing is as dangerous as being in a wrong relationship, even in a bad friendship. To put one’s life in someone else’s hands is not to be taken lightly even if divorce is always an option. Why swim the ocean to drown in the end?! If the relationship is meant to die (or) will not procure you what you need, there is no point in seeing it through. Add to the fact that, whoever you are with is a reflection of you even if different. So be careful who you are associated with. Your value is linked to theirs. If they are not up-to the standard, they are lowering yours. Are you willing to accept that?
In life, there is no sadder sight than of a miserable woman stuck in a rotten marriage (or) relationship. The partner can be of a good nature however this is not enough. Sometimes an evil man who is being exceptionally good with his partner has more merit than of a kind man. Why? Because it takes a relatively evil man more effort to be exemplary than it takes a good man. Add to the fact that, to the bad man you are an exception and your value is worth him going against his nature just to please you and make you happy. His every day is a testament of how true his love is because he is draining himself to be what you need him to be. Don’t be afraid to be alone; we are all going to die alone in the end. Don’t settle, test your man to the breaking point, trigger him every chance you’ve got, better to see his true face rather than his mask.

Your life literately depends on your choices and on those, you surround yourself with. Tread the murky water carefully.

 Understanding Anger


Anger is like a raging bull leashed by a man who is trying desperately to restrain it. As the man grows tired, so does his ability to detain it. His grip loosens up and the imminent danger of its release grows more evident. In order to better control this emotion, one has to first understand its origin and nature.


Here are some of its triggers:

Sense of Danger: Anger is an automatic defense mechanism. It is a barrier that comes up, when danger is wrongly (or) rightfully detected. The person then unleashes his rage towards those who he thinks are out to hurt him emotionally or physically. To counter this, one has to manage how he perceives danger, question his need for protection and the choice of what to protect.

Conditioning: Some people have been subject to so many hardships and attacks that anger becomes a reflex. The conditioned response occurs without thinking. Once formed, negative responses can only be replaced by forging new emotional habits.

The need for perfection: It is the deep seeded need for perfection that triggers anger when it fails to be met. The frustration becomes too strong to control.  The realization that he is on a quest similar to Ulysses’, strainingly searching for an ideal too hard to attain, might help him understand that is too of a burden to bare.

Powerlessness: The feeling of being wronged or humiliated triggers a drop in confidence and self-value which consequently causes rage. That sense of not being in control is frightening. In the angry person’s eyes, someone must be held accountable for the pain inflected thus suffer his wrath.

Think of anger, as someone set on fire, the perfect way to deal with him is to wrap your love like a blanket around him to smother the flames of his anger. You might feel the heat of the flames but not its burn, only the angry person experiences that on his own.