Baskinta The Hometown Of Greatness and Beauty

Baskinta’s name flows musically across the lips, and ignites memories of greatness and wealth. Its Syriac connotation means “the abode”. Once considered the Lebanese hometown of renowned writers, philosophers, musicians and poets, the intellectual hub of the Middle East, leaves nobody immune to its mesmerizing beauty.

Poet Mikhael Naimy depicted its enchanting landscape, rich nature with pine forests on its west side, apple, peach orchards and cedar forest in its heights. Baskinta reigns supreme, protected on its south side, by the narrow and almost impenetrable Skull Valley, that has protected it from invasions in the past.

Located in the upper Metn region, at around 1250 meters above sea level, at the foot of the majestic Sannine Mountain, on the cliff side, the village is a true masterpiece, with antique houses, destitute Greek palaces, relics from ancient cemeteries, and wealth from the golden era of the Phoenician and Greek civilizations.

Even the Gods and kings, took refuge in the beautiful Baskinta, the Phoenician’s temples of Adonis and Atargatis as well as The Greek’s temple of Bacchus, are a testament to this village’s captivating beauty, worthy of the divine and noblemen.

Even the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, Queen Helena, is said to have visited Baskinta.

Baskinta, which in the past birthed Lebanon’s greatest poets, novelists, and philosophers, like Mikhail Naimy and award-winning author Amin Maalouf, reminds us of that Lebanon might be a small country in size but it once was synonymous to greatness and wealth.


A New You

The allure of going back in time has long been a coveted fantasy. For some it is an opportunity to relive a golden era, whilst for others, it is all about having a “do-over”. What if you were lucky enough to grant yourself such a wish or fortunate enough to be gifted a do-over. This selection of luxury health and wellness resorts, not only has the magical effect of transforming you into the best version of yourself but also mending your soul. When you glow on the outside, you are bound to do so on the inside as well. To look yourself in the mirror and like the optimized version smiling back at you, can make you feel invincible.  It is that moral boost that can open you up to an avalanche of new experiences and new beginnings.


 Clinique La Prairie 

Located in Switzerland, this resort is considered the Holy Grail for wellness and beauty, with elite doctors and therapists behind the personalized spa treatments and the promise of reengineering your life, one can feel confident that it will be an experience to remember.

For nearly 90 years, those in search of a profound change in their health and wellbeing have been coming to Clinique La Prairie to benefit from cutting-edge medicine and technology, combined with unique well-being and nutrition plans. Discover the secret of living longer, healthier and fuller lives.

Perfection is this facility’s goal; it has the massive range of programs and the deluxe hospitality service, to make your stay unique.

Being both a health clinic and award-winning SPA, pioneer in longevity since 1931 and creator of the cellular therapy. Clinique La Prairie’s holistic and preventive approach to health is astonishing.


InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa

If you are feeling burned-out and in need of an escape from the fast-paced world, the 5-star luxury resort has everything to help you regenerate your soul.

Located in Bora Bora, surrounded by the mesmerizing bright blue lagoon and sapphire sea, makes it the ideal vacation spot.

Winner of TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice 2020, the pioneering spa, offers thalassotherapy, which promotes the use of seawater in wellness treatments,   panoramic views of the ocean while experiencing their signature treatments.

With people more oriented towards experiences rather than materialistic things no wonder the luxury wellness business is booming. If you want to experience the life of the rich and famous or simply want to open yourself to a future ridden of all the bitterness, anger and disappointment, you owe it to yourself to try these places. As for men looking to breath life and happiness unto their love interest, this is the place to start. As you know unhappiness and discontent are the enemies of love, so offer your lover the chance to radiate beauty and joy, as it will make her more inclined to romance you.



Love in the Time of Coronavirus


Love is a verb in action and an oath to protect, defend and rescue, the one you are fond of. Therefore in times of Coronavirus, it is your duty to keep your loved one safe at all cost. Every day, whether consciously or unconsciously, your choices ensure whether the object of your affection continues to thrive or not. Therefore, if you happen to have found your one, you need to do whatever it takes to keep love alive and well.

A relationship isn’t invulnerable if not protected and immunized against compromising elements such as resentment, monotony, and disappointment. All types of relations require active work and efforts. A way of life does not protect love; to forge a strong bond: discipline, intuition, gratification, care and attention are required.


One of the proofs of love is protecting our lover from ourselves. A true lover is willing to compromise himself rather than jeopardize the other.  Therefore, in time of Coronavirus, it is essential, to take extreme measures to avoid putting your loved one at risk.

  • Maintain a safe distance of 2 meters at all times.
  • Adopt an obsessive approach to hygiene, as it will ensure that you keep the virus at bay.
  • Tactfulness and savoir-vivre protocols doesn’t only reveal a noble nature, but it also helps insure that you don’t compromise the health of those around you. It teaches you proper conduct: How to sneeze, never touch someone else’s belongings…etc.
  • Don’t engage in any physical contact.
  • Love doesn’t have to be physical. If true, affection reveals itself in how you gaze upon her, how your eyes light-up and your smile radiates when she is in your vicinity, the way you say her name.
  • Be alert, well informed and disciplined.
  • It is your duty to be wise enough to protect your lover from herself. Therefore, make sure that safety measures are in effect at all times. In matters of health, slacking is not an option. You have to raise your lover’s awareness in order to insure her safety even when you are not around.
  • Keep her entertained and calm. When you show her you are in-full control, insuring her ultimate protection, you leave her no space to fear for herself. Furthermore, the more you prioritize her happiness, the less she will be prone to get depressed.

In times of Coronavirus, love can be shown in many ways, one more touching than the other, such as this scene from Dustin Hoffman’s movie Pandemic (click here to watch it). This is your opportunity to show the depth of your protection.

The Centenarian Chocolatier


Chocolate-maker Borzeix-Besse has been a staple of the industry since 1909. Launched in Treignac by Pierre and Clémence Borzeix, it grew to become a renowned chocolatier, thanks to the efforts of four generations of craftsmen, who expanded Borzeix-Besse beyond  Treignac, by opening new stores in the Limoges and Brive-la-Gaillarde.

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Borzeix-Besse  is a fierce rival of international brands. Since its inception, Borzeix-Besse strived to build its reputation as a creative chocolatier offering original design and inimitable taste. Each year marks the release of new blends, new flavors and blends of sweet and sour.

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For its 110 years anniversary, Borzeix-Besse marked the occasion by creating an exceptional artwork made entirely of chocolate. The art-piece was showcased in the storefront of its Limoges store.

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 The Beauty and the Beast display was made entirely from floor to ceiling from chocolate, no frame was used. The manager of Borzeix-Besse ’s Laboratory in Treignac, Rachid Makcharrade, directed the conceptualization and realization of the storefront with the help of a dozen people mobilized for the task. It took more than a year for Borzeix-Besse’s vision to be realized as it faced many challenges like  difficulty in making it resistant enough to be transported to Limoges and not crack once assembled. 600 kilos of chocolate were used in the process, scheduled to be re-melted and reused for a next art-piece.

The Stunning Pink Island of the Sea


Tucked in the middle of the sea, far from the hassles of everyday life, lies Budelli, a haven with a perfect patch of sand surrounded by the great blue, where you can relax and gaze upon the beauty of an island that has no equal in the Mediterranean Sea.

Budelli is an island in the Maddalena archipelago, near the strait of Bonifacio in northern Sardinia, Italy. It is part of the La Maddalena National Park.  Birthed from dreams and fantasies, in the southeastern part of the island, lies Spiaggia Rosa (“Pink Beach”) . The gorgeous pinkish sand, which owes its typical color to microscopic fragments of corals and shells such as Miriapora Truncata and Miniacina Miniacea, is a thing of beauty. So much so that it has been the focus on many movies such as Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1964 film Il Deserto Rosso (The Red Desert).

Budelli is one of four ‘uninhabited’ islands in the Maddalena archipelago: the others are Caprera, Spargi, and Razzoli.  In 1994, the Italian government had to permanently close the site off to visitors and leave it in the care of Michele Ardu, due to the crowds disturbing the coral beach.

The island was previously looked after by, Mauro Morandi, who’s failing catamaran lead him to the island more than three decades ago.  Mauro Morandi, spent around 28 years, alone on the island. In an interview with National Geographic, he said, “What I love the most is the silence. The silence in winter when there isn’t a storm and no one is around, but also the summer silence of sunset.”


Budelli has a “Hotel California” effect to it, you can check-in but you can never leave. Its stunning rose-colored beach is captivating and worth gold, that is why due to incidences of sand theft, it was sealed-off from visitors.


Zulf The Artist of Lights and Shadows


Between shadows and lights, at the crossroad of twilight, you can grasp the soul of a woman. That’s how UK contemporary artist Zulf draws portraits of ladies half-hidden in the shadows.

Drawn on black paper using a combination of pastel and charcoal, the drawings show the side of a person’s face as it emerges into the light. As if Zulf through his drawings wanted to capture the battle that people face when submerged by darkness.

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The result is as melodramatic as it is mesmerizing. The artist’s knowledge of lights and shadows is evident in his minimalist approach to portrait drawing as well as his attention to details. The  portraits seems animated as part of them is emerged by light whilst the other by darkness. Experimenting with reflection, the artist gives you the illusion of a moving silhouette.

Zulf cinematic eye is portrayed in the sense of realism he confers to his drawings that is why he adds peach fuzz and texture to the skin of his models.

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It takes an exceptional person to look past the façades of people. With his artistic touch, Zulf is not only able to capture it but make others feel it through his drawings. His models become real people striving through the world, fighting the ultimate battle to emerge back into life.

Rules to Live By


Heaven might be above us but hell is definitely upon us. In this jungle of a life, one has to abide by certain rules and learn some facts in order to strive through it.

You are worth your actions not your words: It is not what about you say but what you do. Same as it is never about what you know but what you can prove. Let your actions speak for themselves and evaluate them based upon how others evaluate them because most people especially men over-estimate their slightest effort.

Your results speak for themselves: Your intentions are not as valuable as you might think. Your results are what count in the end.

Love is a verb and privilege to be given to few: You might love someone with all your body and soul, but if you are of no help to them, ask yourself what’s the point? Calculate your love based on how much you are able to benefit those you love. Remember, if you treat everyone somewhat equally then what is the value of being loved by you?

No one is coming to your rescue: You are all you’ve got. Heal your wounds on your own and stand without leaning on anyone else. You are a 20sec thought to anyone else; even if they love you; they won’t invest time thinking about you more than that. No one will ever come to your rescue (or) save you unless you are the luckiest person on earth because you happen to cross the path of a real-live guardian angel. Those barely exist. Most people are too lazy, fearful and self-centered to help, fix, and rescue anyone else. We are not talking about physical (or) financial aids, but about active support. Those who know and succeed in lifting you up when you are down, who can fix your wings when they are broken, who remind you of your life song when you forgot the words, and who push you to the top when you feel you are drowning.


Don’t be Lazy nor Weak: Nothing is more repugnant than a weak or lazy person especially a man, those who can be easily broken (or) who spend their lives over-sleeping and slacking. Soon enough life will end and you’ll sleep eternally, try to take advantage of the time you’ve got. Don’t be a wimp, we are bound to not survive in the end, at least leave this world proudly.

Be Consistent: Moodiness and constant discrepancies between words and actions inspire distrust as well as disrespect. Being labeled as shady is something very hard to overcome.

First Impressions are Important: You are your own brand. What you wear, your grooming, how you walk and talk are what make (or) break you. Changing one’s impression of you is extremely hard; be sure to give the right image of yourself.

Take the Lead: Do what you have to do because there is no one else that is going to do it. Step-in when everyone else is leaving. On your shoulders rest the weight of those who you carry in your heart so make sure to limit

your circle.

Don’t be Delusional: Friendship and even love are nice, but truth of the matter is that sooner (or) later you’ll lose them. If by some miracle, you’ll find real love (or) real friendship, know that you are one of the privileged few. It is nearly impossible to find people who would rather die than abandon you; those who won’t let you go no matter what. So be sure to walk away first. As life will teach you, it is better to be alone rather than being disappointed (or) not well surrounded. Your circle is supposed to make you happy, if not, your soul and sometimes your body are telling you something, be sure to listen.

Don’t Owe Anyone Anything: Don’t be in anyone’s emotional (or) financial dept. Return the favor immediately (or) don’t even accept any. The only person you are allowed to owe anything to is your true love (or) your true friend. Never ever owe anything to anyone especially those you don’t really trust.

Be Different: In a life where everyone is somewhat the same, stand-out and be true to yourself. Be as your soul dictates. Don’t fake it to make it.

Be Generous: Of all the qualities in the world, this is the most admirable one. Be sure to keep yourself in check and hangout only with those who are generous. This doesn’t mean be a show-off or an irrational spender. Be careful, a stingy man cannot become generous. Even if he fakes it, there are always some tells that can help you see through it.

People Don’t Change, They Reveal Themselves: Don’t kid yourself, people especially men don’t change, they reveal themselves in the end. Unless they really want to everyday fight their real-self to be who you need, their true nature will take-over sooner (or) later. Ask yourself, can you live with that? If they are not what you want, there is no point in giving a second chance.

Choose Wisely: The only way to know the quality of a metal is to burn it. Same thing goes for a potential life partner. Nothing is as dangerous as being in a wrong relationship, even in a bad friendship. To put one’s life in someone else’s hands is not to be taken lightly even if divorce is always an option. Why swim the ocean to drown in the end?! If the relationship is meant to die (or) will not procure you what you need, there is no point in seeing it through. Add to the fact that, whoever you are with is a reflection of you even if different. So be careful who you are associated with. Your value is linked to theirs. If they are not up-to the standard, they are lowering yours. Are you willing to accept that?
In life, there is no sadder sight than of a miserable woman stuck in a rotten marriage (or) relationship. The partner can be of a good nature however this is not enough. Sometimes an evil man who is being exceptionally good with his partner has more merit than of a kind man. Why? Because it takes a relatively evil man more effort to be exemplary than it takes a good man. Add to the fact that, to the bad man you are an exception and your value is worth him going against his nature just to please you and make you happy. His every day is a testament of how true his love is because he is draining himself to be what you need him to be. Don’t be afraid to be alone; we are all going to die alone in the end. Don’t settle, test your man to the breaking point, trigger him every chance you’ve got, better to see his true face rather than his mask.

Your life literately depends on your choices and on those, you surround yourself with. Tread the murky water carefully.

How to Make Your Wife Happy


There is no sight more beautiful than one of a happy woman, like a hot breeze on a cold night, like a radiating sun in the midst of winter; it is a vision to behold.

It is never about how wide her smile is but the glow of her eyes, the confidence of her walk, her aura.

Some men are simply so clueless and not-in tune with their surroundings, so much so that the misery of their spouse goes unnoticed. They miss the signs, like irritability, indecisiveness, daydreaming, and coldness. The more her unhappiness goes unaddressed and fixed, the harder it will be to remedy it.


If you strongly believe in the saying “Happy wife, happy life”, then for your own benefit you need to do whatever it takes to bring yours back to life.

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We didn’t use the expression, “bring her back to life”, very loothly. Some people are alive for lack of dying, the fire in them dimmed; they buried the pieces of their shattered dreams and walked away. Here is how to revive her “joie de vivre”.


On an Emotional Level

Build trust: The key element in any type of relationship is trust. If there is none, there won’t be any emotional nor physical bond. If she isn’t blindly confident that no matter what she’ll always be your one and only, if she doesn’t think you are a sincere man, no amount of words, promises, could ever be believed. If you failed her every  test, proved you weren’t trustworthy, showed a huge amount of discrepancy between what you claim and what your actions show, it will be challenging to change her perception of you.

Love her: You only love what you understand. She has to feel understood and known in order to feel loved. Pay attention to her every detail, make sure to remember everything and anything she tells you. Analyze and focus to  understand.  As the quote goes, in the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand.

Alone time: How are you supposed to keep the bond alive if you don’t create intimacy by confiding in her what you wouldn’t confess to your own shadow? The more alone time you spend with her, the more you’ll connect with her emotionally and intellectually.  Make sure to plan lunches, dinners, couple spa sessions, sitting by the sea,… any well planned outing will do. Be sure to plan conversations ahead of time, in order not to let silence settle between you two.

Focus on her: When she walks in, tune others out, even your kids if you have any. The more you make her feel seen, the less inclined she’ll be to vanish. The more you defend, endorse, and prioritize her, the more she’ll feel protected and confident.

Don’t sleep on it: Solve discord on the spot. Keep your relationship healthy. If during a fight, you find yourself thinking how much you love her, kiss her, she might try to push you away, at first, but your love will disarm her in no time. You can manhandle her with passion and love, to diffuse her.

Be the man of her dreams: There are qualities that she admires, people she holds in great regards, reflect on that. Maybe you’ll learn something from it. Women don’t admire those who annoy, disappoint, or trigger them, they appreciate those they see as commendable.

Be stable: Moody unstable men are tiring. They inspire distrust and resentment. Be stable and consistent in your words and actions.

Build her up to earn her gratitude and respect: Help her achieve her goals. Think of ways to build her up rather than tear her down. If you are an ambitious and relentless man, an achiever, someone she can rely on without follow-ups, a man who gets the hard things done rather than the easy tasks that an infant can do, then you have her respect and gratitude. If for example, she wants to diet but is failing at it, put her on one without her noticing; start preparing healthy food, pack her breakfast and lunch. If for example, she lacks motivation to go to the gym, enroll both of you in one and drag her with you even, follow her pace in order for her to increase it to match yours. If you are in a power position and she is stuck in a dead-end job, find her new opportunities or make one by launching a joint-business. Be entrepreneurial, be a leader even at home.

Be tactful: If she is talking about her awful day, you don’t have to tell her about how awesome yours was. If she is confiding in you, don’t turn the conversation around and make it about you. Not everything should be about you, because although she might not tell you, these actions are very distasteful.

Thoughtful gifts: They are indicators of how well you know your wife’s taste and body and how much she is worth for you as well as how generous you are . If you are able to choose something that fit her perfectly, something that you long to see her wear, she’ll feel desired and well thought of.  Try to surprise her at work with flowers and gifts of all sorted (doesn’t matter what type), the enthusiasm of her colleagues will make her feel proud and envied.


On an Physical Level

In order to play the part one has to look the part: Let me explain it to you, you won’t find a geek playing a James Bond role, nor will you find someone who looks like a hairy shimp or pregnant woman playing the role of Romeo. If you are handsome then the odds are in your favor, if not, then you need to level the game-up by becoming a savvy classy dresser, an impeccable man with a great sense of hygiene. You are not asked to become a model, however, you need to be proportionally built. You can’t act like Rambo, if you have a skimpy body; you need to at least have the basics. James Bond isn’t extremely buff however he has a lean hairless body, a classy walk and masters the art of talking. Your allure is your business-card.

This is an important point, as you’ll have to play the part of a romantic yet manly lover in order to bring your wife back to life.

Make love to her not sex: There is a big difference between the two. You have to know how and when to touch her, how to please her, how to induce a pulse in her soul. You have to understand that, even the toughest woman is at her weakest when she is intimate with you. She is putting herself in your hands, relinquishing her control to you. Either you can turn the experience into a robotic marital duty or you can make it a soulful experience.  As you are sleeping with your wife, love her with all your heart and every fiber of your soul. Sometimes touching her the right way, cuddling with her, kissing her like there is no tomorrow, are enough to warm her heart. Be insatiable of her, love her as often as you desire but take into account the mood and timing. Be careful not to get her pregnant; it will be the end of you in her eyes. She’ll think that it was your ulterior motive all along.

Be Wild:

  • At Home – Be daring: Make love to her in every corner of the house, whether on your desk, the carpet, or shower. Be inventive and genuine in your lust for her. Don’t fake it.
  • When Out With Friends/Family:
  • Slip her naughty notes.
  • Whisper in her ear what you are going to do to her when you return home. Your burning desire for her and the anticipation for what to come will spice things up.
  • Let your hands wonder discreetly on her back or legs.
  • Hold her very close to you, every-time you desire her, so that she feels her effect on you.

Be extremely subtle; don’t get her in an awkward position, even if she is your wife, she still has a reputation to maintain. Therefore be sure no one notices your actions.

There was a time when you knew the road to her heart, after all you ended up marrying her. Now is your chance to find your way back home.

The Illusion Museum


Tucked in the somewhat magical looking Old Town Square, across from Orloj, the world’s oldest and operational clock, which was first installed in 1410, stands a shrine to illusions. IAM Prague is Czech Republic’s first museum dedicated to illusion and trick art.


As illusions have shades, so does this museum. Each type of illusion has its own floor, some rooted deep in history, others contemporary and cutting-edge, from anamorphic installations which render renowned historical figures in unexpected ways to metallurgical painting, trick art, spatial illusions, and more. Life and history seem to come to life in this historical building of three floors.


As you embark, in its halls, on an adventure across time and space, you will encounter works of art from internationally-recognized artists such as Patrick Hughes, Patrik Proško, as well as other talents, like Ivana Štenclová and Ladislav Vlna.

The experience promises to be exceptional, as humans long for “illusions”: the only sustainers of hopes and dreams that wither and die when reality shines.


As you walk through the gates of IAM Prague, you will discover how perspective can open up new worlds, you will be able to do what you wish you could do in your dreams: take pictures of your illusions.

Plan The Perfect Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day, the date that many men dread while others impatiently wait for it. It is the “trial of fire” that separates the exceptional men from the mediocre ones. True lovers, like kids on Christmas Eve, long impatiently for this occasion, as it is the perfect opportunity to show their strength while others fear it as it exposes their lack of romantic creativity and talent.

In order to celebrate this occasion, you need to understand the story behind it. St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, had endured the unthinkable for his lover. His life was stained by selflessness, passion and tenacity. He had the courage to express his undying love to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed from blindness.

Therefore, Love is synonymous with grand gestures, great sacrifice and unwavering fidelity.

Be true to yourself, If you can live a day without her, if you want to seek a future elsewhere, if you don’t see her as your wife, if you can tolerate the idea of her belonging to some other man, if you can replace her, if you can forget her, then you are not in-love with this woman. Therefore, it’s better not to celebrate this day with her.

Hereby our tips for a perfect Valentine’s Day:

  • Mood is the ultimate element: Create a romantic ambiance, don’t settle for monotony by doing things that you can do with her on any other day.
  • Avoid triggering her: You can’t expect her to be lovey-dovey with you, if you had upset her or failed her in any shape or form whether having left her for a while or betrayed her or just disappointed her. You must fix the relation ahead of time if you are seeking romance on this day.
  • Plan and strategize with smartness: Know her better than you know yourself and plan accordingly your romantic getaway.
  • Have an impeccable sense of timing: Read her perfectly, if her body-language is telling you not to get physical or even kiss her, respect that. Remember, love is extremely patient.
  • Don’t be minimalistic: Minimum effort isn’t impressive; it is basic and boring.
  • Show her how much she means to you : This is the perfect occasion to show your loved one how much you value and appreciate her.
  • Make her feel beautiful and loved: If you truly think she is beautiful, let your eyes, your smile, your everything express it.
  • Don’t expect anything in return: Don’t go all-out waiting for a reward. This is not a business transaction, don’t demand or expect anything in return.

Live and act as if  Valentine’s Day  doesn’t come once a year. After-all, novels, movies, poems and even articles are inspired by real people even if their story seem too fairy-tale like.