Experience Chinatown Gang Wars


The San Francisco Dungeon is a uniquely thrilling attraction that offers clients a blast into the dark past with the benefit of being able to come back from it unharmed. The entertainment hub whisks you way back into the Barbary Coast’s most perilous past. You will lose yourself in fear or in laughter while you embark on an adventure sure to free you from the dark grasp of every day life.

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Their latest offering is Chinatown Gang Wars. The setting dates back to 1895 in the violent streets of Chinatown, you’ll meet Fong “Little Pete” Ching who runs this part of town, and you don’t want to cross him… but you probably will.

As the leader of the Som Yop Tong, Little Pete has built an empire on prostitution, gambling, and opium sales. He doesn’t go anywhere without two German shepherds, two pistols, a chain-mail armor vest, and a hat reinforced with metal. He seems approachable, right? Wrong.

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Seek safety in the Chinatown‘s morgue as the mortician and his assistant use Asian shadow puppets to tell you more about Little Pete, his victims, and what gang wars are like in Chinatown. Keep your arms and legs inside of the morgue at all times – you don’t want to lose them on these gang invaded streets.

For a short time, you’ll forget your real identity and everything that has to do with your dull everyday life. You’ll experience a real life fantasy thanks to skilled actors and optimal decoration.

Why Simon Sinek is the Best


Simon Sinek is a British-American author, ethnographer, motivational speaker and organizational consultant with a firm belief in a bright future and a big sense of optimism. He is the Camelot of the business world; He defends employees against the tyrant ways of the corporate level. So, rather than preaching to CEOs firmness and teaching them ruthless optimization strategies to manipulate their employees, Simon focuses on managers to turn them into exemplary leaders. His high sense of ethics, approaches leadership differently from his predecessors, he thinks that leaders are people-keepers; they are responsible for the wellbeing and performance of their employees.


A firm believer in the human-connection, he even refers to employees as the managers’ kids, thus annihilating the possibility of laying-off weak-performers and promoting empathy and understanding.

He is a strong opponent to mass layoffs no matter the reasons, because it doesn’t only destroy the lives of many individuals but its outcome on the company’s reputation is disastrous. Not only it sends a message that the company is in financial struggle but it also destroys the employees’ trust in the company. Every decision, the company makes is a kind of message; so if they fire people, the message will be: No matter how long you work or how hard, you will be fired if numbers are low. This strategy breeds fear and unaccoumptability.


 Just like “happy wife, happy life”, Simon  believes in, “happy employees, happy customers and successful company.

Simon’s unconventional and innovative views on business and leadership have attracted international attention; his charm and mesmerizing seminars captivate the audience and inspire them to be exemplary. Being an idealist, he seeks to create a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single day feeling inspired, feeling safe at work and fulfilled.

He is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.

His no-bullshit motto, is so sharp that he doesn’t shy away from confronting CEOs and telling them that contrary to their belief, they are not responsible of customers but of the people responsible of customers and that in the right environment all employees prosper.

Leaders have to be obsessed with where they are going; competing only against themselves, because in the end it is not about the battle it is about winning the war.

Life isn’t a scavenger hunt, it is a journey, you have to work at a relationship every moment of the day in order to find and keep love, family and friendship, you have to work hard to achieve goals. It is about the small things, it is about tactfulness and loyalty: Putting the phone upside down is not polite, not answering the call when in company isn’t an achievement, the fact that the phone is on you, sends a subconscience message to those in your company that they are not important to you, their presence is not a priority. Every e-connection such as online support groups,  phone/online, are not human therefore they are not real. Fulfillment comes from human connection that is why some people go through life without real joy; They are disconnected and alone.

Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books:  Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action;  Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t; Together is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration; Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team; The Infinite Game.

You can’t sit through Simon Sinek’s conferences and walk-away unmoved. His inspirational and idealistic views are able to seduce even the most skeptic listener. His charm and captivating views breath humanity to the cold environment of business. The world cease to become a jungle of impersonal decisions, it has a heart, it is personal and accountable, that’s why you can’t get bored from reading him or listening to him.

The Real Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He is the father of forensic science, as he always uses science and attention to details to solve murder cases.


Behind this fictional character stands, Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, a genius physician and British writer acclaimed mostly for his fifty crime fiction stories featuring the captivating character: Sherlock Holmes. Although he was the author of historical, spiritual and fictional stories, Holmes remains his most celebrated one.


Hereby some facts that you didn’t know about Conan Doyle:

  • Conan Doyle came from a highly artistic background. His father as well as uncles were artists.
  • Conan studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh Medical School and practical botany at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.
  • Doyle was a loyal man, he remained married to Louisa Hawkin, his first wife, despite falling in love with another. He maintained a platonic relationship with his second wife-to-be Jean Elizabeth Leckie while his first wife was still alive. In 1907, after the death of his first wife, he married Jean Elizabeth Leckie.
  • A Study in Scarlet was originally named Tangled Skein, however after several rejections, it was renamed. Published in 1887, it was written in 1886, the story marks the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who would become the most famous detective duo in popular fiction.
  • All of Doyle’s children died, from health issues, at a young age.
  • Conan was obsessed with justice as his protagonist, Sherlock was. He often investigated cases that he believed were faulty. Thanks to his analytical skills and forensic savoir-faire, he successfully exonerated innocent people that were wrongfully convicted.
  • He was initiated as a Freemason (in 1887) but left it for good in 1911.
  • Conan Doyle believed in the paranormal, that the spirit of the dead continued to exist and were reachable by the living. He believed in the existence of fairies.
  • Conan Doyle played sports in his lifetime. His favorite sport was cricket.
  • In 1900, he ran for parliament twice in Edinburgh but failed to be elected.
  • He despised Sherlock Holmes and thought that he was taking all the attention away from his other features. He tried sabotaging Sherlock Holmes by asking extortionate fees from publishers, but failed as they were happy to pay.
  • A square was named after him in Meiringen, Switzerland, where the scene of The Adventure of the Final Problem took place.
  • He said to have died in 7 July 1930 in his garden, after whispering to his wife: “You are wonderful.”

Whether you like Sherlock Holmes or not, you can’t but admire his acute sense of observation and analytical skills as well as his intense sense of pride. Conan might not have been a fan of the detective but in essence he was his alter-ego.

A Mount-Everest Power Plant

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Copenhagen is on course for becoming the world’s first zero-carbon city by 2025. On its quest to realize its goal, it is resorting to creative ways, such as establishing a ski slope on a waste-to-power incinerator. This original idea will not only allow Copenhagen to be eco-friendly but a touristic attraction as well.


Usually, incinerators are established outside the cities for health reasons, however, this plant is different because instead of emitting smoke plumes, the plant will blow smoke rings.

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Designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, the energy plant will turn trash into power that will then go to the city’s grid. It will generate less CO2 than the city’s former plant.

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The plant features a one of its kind 2,000-foot-long ski slope and the world’s tallest artificial climbing wall. It will serve a ski slope in winter.

Around 57,000 people are expected to use the facility’s ski slope and recreation area comprised of: water sports, soccer fields, and a go-kart track surrounds the building.

The $643 million project will not only be the world’s most efficient waste burning and energy-generating plant in the world but also an original and one of its kind touristic attraction with ample benefits:

  • Generating 25% more energy from the same amount of waste.
  • Emitting 100,000 fewer tons of CO2
  • The reuse 90% of the metal waste
  • Powering 62,500 homes and providing 160,000 homes with hot water

Copenhagen ambition is exemplary as it shows other countries that investing in eco-friendly initiatives might be expensive but if done smartly it can generate money not only economize on expenses in the long run.

Booklovers Dream


The “Little Tree Library” is bookworms ultimate dream come true as it merges their treehouse fantasy with their love of books.

The concept came to when Sharalee Armitage Howard, a passionate Librarian living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, decided to turn a dead 110-year-old cottonwood tree stump into the ultimate Library. Sharalee was sick of looking of the lifeless yet majestic tree so she decided to give it another chance, a breath of life, the right amount of magic it needed to metamorphose into a free book exchange place.

The “Little Tree Library” is part of Little Free Library, the world’s largest book-sharing movement.  It was launched in 2009 by Todd Bol and Rick Brooks of Hudson and Madison, Wisconsin, respectively. It became an official   nonprofit organization in 2012. There are Little Free Libraries in over 70 countries and the movement continues to grow.


The library itself is a work of art with inviting stone steps, a sloped roof, a large green door, interior and exterior lighting, and decorative miniature books. The Library also features interior and exterior lighting, giving it the coveted warn and homey feeling, as well as a “roof” over the top of the stump to complete the transformation.

Sharalee Armitage Howard said that it’s things like these that make the world a cooler place to live in.

It is kinda poetic when you think about it: this small library doesn’t only represent learning but is also a symbol of metamorphose, showing people that in the right hands anything can blossom and reach its full potential. It only takes the proper person, the right kind of care, time and vision, to turn anything magical. So next time you want to give-up on something or someone, think of “Little Tree Library”.

Top Memorable Love Quotes


You don’t have to flip through a book or read poetry to find the most staggering love stories and memorable quotes. Check-out our selection of the most memorable love quotes.

City of Angels

Seth is an angel  that falls madly in love with a human, Dr. Maggie Rice, a dedicated  heart surgeon who devotes her life to her practice.  In order to be with her, Seth forsakes heaven in order to be with her, which does not turn out as he had expected.
This is one of the saddest love-story ever written because of the heart wrenching fact that the lover gave up eternity to be with the one he loves only to have her taken from him shortly after.

Memorable Love Quote:
Seth: I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One.


Great Expectations


Charles Dickens’ story of a young man, Finn, who falls madly in-love, with a  rich aristocrat Estella. He makes it his life mission to become rich and worthy of her.

This film, is particularly mesmerizing, as it is the story of a man who against proper judgment and despite being warned about his impending doom  pursues the love of his life, never thinking for a second of replacing her or giving up on her.  

Memorable Love Quote:
: I did it! I did it! I am a wild success! I sold ’em all, all my paintings. You don’t have to be embarrassed by me anymore. I’m rich! Isn’t that what you wanted? Aren’t we happy now? Don’t you understand that everything I do, I do it for you? Anything that might be special in me, is you.

A Beautiful Mind

It is the true story of John Forbes Nash, Jr. a mathematical genius, who falls ill but doesn’t let his illness stop him from pursuing his dream and receiving the Nobel Prize.

John’s wife was the driving force behind him. Later in life, he confessed that he would have never made it without her love and support. He would have never been able to persevere without her.

Memorable Love Quote:
Nash: [Making an acceptance speech in front of the Nobel prize audience during the ceremony] I’ve always believed in numbers, in equations, in logic and reason.But after a lifetime of such pursuits: I ask What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. I have made the most important discovery of my career – the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I am only here tonight because of you



Michael Newman (Sandler) is a hard working family man, struggling to juggle between his job and his family. His life changes when Morty (Walken), a crazy sales clerk, offers him the ultimate remote, which enables him to mute, skip and dub his life. The remote soon starts to malfunction causing nothing but mayhem.

This movie has one of the most heart wrenching scenes, where at the end, in a moment of enlightenment, Michael regrets everything he has ever done and acknowledges his undying love for his wife.

Memorable Love Quote:
Donna Newman: Will you still love me in the morning?

Michael Newman: Forever and ever, babe


The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

A mysterious killing spree terrorizes Seattle and threatens the life of Bella who finds herself in the middle of a malicious revenge quest. Amid the tumult, Bella must choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob.

Some might consider Bella and Edward to be the ultimate couple but I, on the otherhand, prefer the relationship that ties her to Jacob, the man who fearlessly loves her and doesn’t let any obstacle stop him. Whilst Edward once walked away from her Jacob simply never could. He is her ultimate best friend, always there, demanding nothing from her but her presence by his side and her happiness. I prefer him to Edward, the softy, who despite his good intentions often fails to protect her, whilst the manly Jacob always rises to the occasion.  Love comes in many shapes and forms but this kind  is the ultimate one.

Memorable Love Quote:
Jacob Black:

You feel something for me. You just won’t admit it. So I’m not giving up. I’m gonna fight for you, Bella, until your heart stops beating.

The Robin Hood of the Art World


Like Robin Hood, the legendary heroic outlaw, Banksy is an anonymous film director and street artist, whose street art is politically fueled with usually anti-war, anti-capitalist or anti-establishment slogans. He often portray rats, apes, policemen, soldiers, children, and elderly.


Ironically, highly revered by the rich-crowed he so bluntly disdain to the rich, Banksy satirical and controversial art, combines dark humor and graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique.  To this day, the real identity of the art vigilante Banksy remains unknown, with some speculating that it could be either Robert Del Naja or Robin Gunningham.


In 2018, footage recorded of artist Robin Gunningham roaming the area in which later on several Banksy art appeared fueled the rumours that it might be him. Furthermore, several Gunningham’s associates and former schoolmates have corroborated this rumour.


However, during the same year, some believe that DJ Goldie  accidentally revealed in an interview with Scroobius Pip’s Distraction Pieces podcast that Banksy is none other than Robert Del Naja, the 52-year-old member of trip hop trio Massive Attac. In the interview he was cited as saying “No disrespect to Robert; I think he is a brilliant artist. I think he has flipped the world of art over.” Some detectives claimed to have matched up Massive Attack’s touring schedule with appearances by art by Banksy.


The press has long speculated as to how much Banksy is worth, with some saying he is net worth is approximately $20 million.


Banksy’s street art might be for free but it gets him the coveted attention he needs in order to sell unique pieces which sometimes are spray painted onto canvas or cardboard.  It might interest you to know, that having his graffiti on any estate triples its value, with the Daily Mail suggesting the £300,000 end terrace could have tripled in value thanks to the artwork.


Banksy’s Robin-Hood like nature was best portrayed when he sacrificed a staggering amount of money for the sake of laughing at the rich who are willing to pay gruesome amounts of money for the simplest pieces. During one of his painting auctions, bidders and Sotherby’s staff watched in complete horror as that the Banksy’s painting sold for £1,042,000 shreds infront of the full crowd. The day after the sale he updated his website with an image of an auction house and the people bidding on a picture with the written words ‘I Can’t Believe You Morons Actually Buy This S**t’.

The Real Iron Man


If you are familiar with comic books and the Marvel world, you surely heard of the fictional superhero: Tony Stark, the genius billionaire engineer, who creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil thus becoming Iron Man.

Whilst Elon Reeve Musk  is a technology entrepreneur and engineer founder, CEO, and lead designer of SpaceX;  co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; co-founder and CEO of Neuralink; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of PayPal. In December 2016, he was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of The World’s Most Powerful People.  As of October 2018, he has a net worth of $22.8 billion and is listed by Forbes as the 54th-richest person in the world.


At first glance, one cannot shake the ironic similarities between the fictional Tony Stark, a tech-entrepreneur, genius inventor, and absolute playboy who is the CEO of Stark Industries, and Elon Musk who heads the Tesla empire which brought fully-electric vehicles to the mass market.


Whilst Tony Stark,  uses his technical knowledge to create armors which he uses to counterattack those that would threaten peace around the world, Elon Musk uses his genius to blur the boundaries between earth and the sky, striving to save earth from an eco-disaster.

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Thanks to Tesla, he was able to provide people with an eco-alternative, winning them over by proving that they didn’t need to compromise to drive electric; they can have their cool sports cars that are simply electric. So they can still enjoy the particularities of a fast car whilst being eco-friendly.   Tesla’s tycoon Elon Musk, believes the faster the world stops relying on fossil fuels and moves towards a zero-emission future, the better. Tesla designed the world’s first ever premium all-electric sedan from the ground up – Model S – which has become the best car in its class in every category.  Tesla continues to make products accessible and affordable to more and more people, ultimately accelerating the advent of clean transport and clean energy production. Electric cars, batteries, and renewable energy generation and storage already exist independently, but when combined, they become even more powerful.tesla 2

Elon Musk also in his quest for humanity’s salvation is seeking to offer them an alternative lodging, in the galaxy, more precisely on Mars. He launched his aero company for this motive; SpaceX, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. valued at more than $20 billion, is a private American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.  Musk believes that by 2050, he will build a self-sufficient city on Mars, and offer cheap trips thanks to SpaceX’s new rocket ship, called Starship. Thus enabling people to “sell their home on Earth & move to Mars if they want”, as reported by Elon Musk.


For a billionaire, Elon has a great heart, in 2015 Musk gifted 1.2 million Tesla shares to his foundation, which spent $480,000 in late 2018 to provide clean drinking water to schools in Flint, Michigan.

It took one tweet from a complete stranger, Mabz@MabzMagz, urging Musk to help save the 12 Thailand boys and their coach trapped out in a flooded cave, to spring him into action. Like a summoned IronMan, within five days Musk’s engineers had built a mini-submarine and delivered it to the rescue team.

Elon Musk, like his alter ego, Tony Stark, has his inner-demons and struggles; however, he is undeniably a genius and has the noblest intentions although his delivery is, sometimes, questionable.

An Explosive Art


Dino Tomic is an expert in the gunpowder art, which is a type of art that not only requires skills and patience but also knowledge in the essentials of the craft:

The artist needs to pick out the right type of gunpowder and the adequate surface, the flammable surface because when the gunpowder burn they need to burn into the plate in order to maintain the wanted form.


The gunpowder grains are, patiently and artistically grouped, with a small scissor into the wanted form. In the end, the artist sets his masterpiece on fire.


As a talented Croatian tattoo artist from Norway, Dino Tomic creates mesmerizing drawings with a hint of magical melodrama thanks to the use of gunpowder. Specialized in photographic drawings as well as realistic tattoos.


He draws his inspiration from the sci-fi world. It is thanks to the high pulse of the unknown that he creates his magical like creations.  Using flames to create rather than to to destroy. He meticulously assemble the gunpowder on the surface, depicting most of the times: superheroes and their archenemies.   When set on fire, the flame travels throughout the entire composition, burning the image into the surface. It is like if the artist was replicating the ultimate battle between good and evil or the interior tribulations of a hero.



The Vanishing Art


Have you fantasized about having the power of invisibility? Julian Voss-Andreae is a German sculptor based in Portland, Oregon, tapped into this fantasy and created sculptors that disappear into thin air.

Julian started-out  as a painter, he later changed course and studied physics, mathematics, and philosophy at the Universities of Berlin, Edinburgh and Vienna. Voss-Andreae pursued his graduate research in quantum physics, participating in an experiment considered one of the modern milestones of unifying our everyday intuition with the famously bizarre world of quantum physics. He moved to the United States to study Sculpture at the Pacific Northwest College of Art from where he graduated in 2004.Voss-Andreae’s work, often inspired by his background in science, has captured the attention of multiple institutions and collectors in the United States and abroad. Recent institutional commissions include large-scale outdoor monuments for Rutgers University, the University of Minnesota, Texas Tech University, and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Voss-Andreae’s work has been featured in print and broadcast media worldwide.


The goal of this astonishing artist is to show how bizarre and weird the nature of reality is. This artist blends science and art to create his masterpieces that are able to go invisible in plain sight.

Julian starts out by photographing his subject from all angles thanks to a 3D scanner. After that, he uses this data to model the sculpture on his computer; after that, his team cuts steel, bronze, titanium with laser. Then they meld all of them together, sand them and polish them. The result is a work of art able to disappear in a glimpse of an eye, thanks to how it has been stacked.


Thanks to his scientific background, Julian was able to use his knowledge of physics into molding the perfect creation.  Something that people all over the world can admire and daydream while gazing upon it.