
The Willy Wonka of Japan


Willy Wonka might be a fictional character who appears in Roald Dahl’s 1964 children’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and its sequel Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. However the eccentric owner of the Wonka Chocolate Factor has been reincarnated in the owner of Candy maker Nagatoya.

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It all started 170 years ago during the Edo period in the quiet castle town of Aizu in the north east of Japan, the lord of the land ordered a small sweetmaker to start creating confectionery for the common people. Since then, Nagatoya has been creating simple delicious sweets that have their roots bedded deep in the community. To this day, we welcome our customers to our traditional shop, which is over a hundred years old.

Nagatoya‘s latest creation is ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ sweet jelly which each slice displays mesmerizing image of a bluebird who gradually spreads its wings and approaches the ever-changing moon.

The dessert might be considered expensive (US$32) but with its beautiful gift box, illustrated by the award-winning artist Reika Masuda  and the fact that each bite is a magical experience, makes it all worthwhile.

A Cheese Affair


It is widely known that French people entertain an existential love affair with cheese that is why you have a wide variety of cheese in France.

Cheese making has been practiced for ages by various cultures around the world although its original inventor can’t be traced. Different theories debate the birth of this culinary delight, some attribute it to nomadic tribes in Asia  who where transporting milk in animal skins and the churning and fermentation turned it into cheese.

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While others claim that Romans introduced the first cheeses into France and that the French monasteries began to perfect it thus coming up with the vast varieties we have today.

As all delicious food, cheese has been attributed many ills of which its innocent of, hereby are the benefits of moderately consuming cheese:


Osteoporosis Prevention

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a minimum daily intake of 400 to 500 mg of calcium per day to keep the bones strong.


Positive Dental Health

Components of cheese adhere to the teeth helping in maintaining them strong thus preventing their decay.


Source of Calcium, Fat, Protein and Vitamins  

Cheese is a source of:

  • Calcium which promotes strong bones & lower blood pressure
  • Protein which is an essential immune system booster
  • Healthy fat which has a vital role in supporting the immune and inflammatory systems

As well as of Vitamins, like:

  • Vitamin B-responsible for the production of red blood cells, protein, and DNA.
  • Vitamin K2- responsible for helping your blood to clot

Muscles Builder

Due to its fat and protein content, cheese is an excellent muscles builder.

Enjoy living the French way and consume your cheese and wine in the name of good health 🙂

The Benefits of Carbs


Carbohydrates has  been the subject of scrutiny and had packed the punches from dieters however carbs have endless benefits.

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We invite you to look pass the wrongful stipulations and go straight to the truth.

Carbs are your body’s main source of energy; it fuels the brain, the kidneys, the heart muscles and central nervous system. It even aids in digestion and helps you feel full whilst keeping blood cholesterol levels in check.

Yellow and black raisins and dried red cranberry

Starches, fiber and sugars fall under the category of carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates aka starches are found in grains, legumes and some vegetables like potatoes and corn. Sugar is naturally found in vegetables fruits milk and honey whilst added sugar is found in processed foods, syrups, drinks and sweets.

A deficiency in carbs can cause headaches, fatigue, concentration problems, as well as nausea, constipation, and bad breath.

It is advised to get your dose of carbohydrates mainly from whole grains as it helps you feel full and satisfied with smaller portions.

According to Archives of Internal Medicine, carbs promote the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical. Thus it helps fight depression, anxiety and anger.

Research conducted by Brigham Young University in Utah found that those who increase their fiber consumption generally lost weight contrary to those who decrease it.

Too much of a good thing is bad, same ideology applies to carbs. Though they are packed with benefits, you need to make sure you are eating it in moderation to avoid high blood sugar and unwanted weight gain. You need to give your body the nutritional carbs it needs and maintain a healthy weight.

Shades of Chocolates

ruby_the_4th_chocolate_content.jpgChocolate, the ultimate mood booster and the emotional support of any soul seeking a quick fix. Some resort to alcohol whilst others opt for the sweet comfort of the cocoa delicacy.

For 80 years, there have been only three main kinds of chocolate:

  • Dark Chocolate: Made of grounded cocoa beans turned to liquid (chocolate liquor), mixed with extra cocoa butter, an emulsifier (often lecithin), a flavor, and sugar if semi-sweeten. The darker the type of chocolate, the higher its cacao percentage and the lesser its sugar content.
  • Milk Chocolate: Made with 12 percent dry milk solids, 10 percent cocoa liquor by weight.
  • White Chocolate: has at least 20 percent cocoa butter, 14 percent milk solids, and 55 percent sugar.


However, it all changed in 2017, in Shanghai , when Barry Callebaut, a Belgian-Swiss cocoa company, introduced Ruby Chocolate, a variety they had been developing since 2004. Made of ruby cocoa bean which are botanical cocoa bean varieties that have the right characteristics susceptible of turning into ruby chocolate. Ruby offers an intense censorial delight, a totally new taste experience: neither bitter, milky or sweet, but a tension of fresh berry fruitiness and luscious smoothness. However it contains no berries, berry flavor or coloring.


It took  Barry Callebaut 10 years, to discover that components of certain cocoa beans could produce a chocolate with an exceptional flavor and color. Similar to producing wine, it is not only about grapes but also the land it grows in, cocoa beans are influenced by the terroir  in which they grow. Ruby cocoa beans are found in Ecuador, Brazil or Ivory Coast.

The 4th chocolate flavor is nicknamed the “Millennial Chocolate” as it target this health-conscious generation.

It’s only in 2018,  that Ruby Chocolate started to be commercialized to regular consumers: Kit Kat Japan and South Korea,  sold Ruby Kit Kat online; Fortnum & Mason sold ruby chocolate in Europe.

Whichever the shade of chocolate, it remains the refuge of the emotionally stressed and the distressed souls.

For the Love of Wine and Pasta    


Diets don’t have to be depression inducers and you aren’t required to adapt to what you don’t like. According to nutritionist Paola Lovisetti you can still diet and enjoy your life.


In her book The Mamma Mia! Diet (co-written by Paola Palestini), she promises dieters that her way will leave them lighter, healthier and happier.

According to Paola it is possible to lose weight while being happy and enjoy delicious pasta and drink wine.


On the flipside, you need to abide by few guidelines:

Every morning, you need to drink, a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon.
Choose wholegrain, wholewheat, spelt and buckwheat varieties of pasta.
Limit each serving to 70g.
Consume nuts and seeds.
Eat moderate quantity of cheese.
Don’t eat bread with your pasta.
Aim to eat 25-30g of fiber daily.
Enjoy a seasonal fruit, fresh orange juice, a small plain yogurt or 6 to 8 nuts.
Drink 1 to 1,5 litres of water every day.
Consume (120ml) glass of red wine every day.
Treat yourself to (30g) of dark chocolate.
Stay active, walk for half an hour.

Your seven-day wine and pasta diet plan:

Day 1

BREAKFAST: Wholegrain toast with jam

LUNCH: Wholewheat spaghetti with baby spinach, pear and pomegranate salad.
DINNER: Baked vegetable frittata

Day 2

BREAKFAST: Oat and banana cake

LUNCH: Wholewheat linguine with leeks and nuts
DINNER: Orange and pistachio

Day 3

BREAKFAST: Muesli with yoghurt
LUNCH: Wholewheat pasta salad with mackerel
DINNER: Stuffed peppers

Day 4

BREAKFAST: Repeat Day 1 breakfast.

LUNCH: Chickpea salad

Day 5

BREAKFAST: Peach shake
LUNCH: Wholewheat pasta with prawns and spinach
DINNER: Baked chicken with herbs

Days 6 & 7

REPEAT any two days.

Let’s raise our wine glasses and cheer those Italians, as they always find the best way to do things.

Tomorrow’s Leaf

headerbg11tallAngelica keiskei (Ashitaba) gained a reputation for being a health booster as well as the secret for eternal youth, thanks to Japanese Samurai warriors who favorited this food item. Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) which means “Tomorrow’s Leaf” is found in Japan’s Pacific Coast.  It was nicknamed as such, because if cut, it has the ability to grow a new leaf, in few hours, thus replacing the old one.


Renowned for being the world’s number one country with the highest life expectancy, Japan, is also a heavy consumer of Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba). The medicinal plant can be, dried and used in tea or filled in capsules or incorporated in salads, because it has several benefits:


Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba), slows down aging by fighting off free radicals and promoting restful sleep. Lab tests have shown that Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) is able to protect cells and slowdown ageing in fruit flies and yeast thus stipulating that it can do the same for humans.

Weight Loss

In eight weeks, Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) is able to fight stubborn belly fat and reduce weight when consumed, it increases the production of a hormone that helps people shed kilos.


According to cell studies, Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) increases anti-cancer enzyme markers, survival time and prevents cancer from spreading.

Regulates Diabetes and Blood Pressure

Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) helps reduce blood sugar levels, insulin, and triglycerides. It can also prevent blood clots.

Prevents Alzheimer, Parkinson, and Dementia

Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) boosts brain function, increases concentration, attention and helps control emotions thus preventing Alzheimer, Parkinson, and Dementia.

Boosts the Immune System

Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) fights bacteria and accelerates wounds healing by boosting the immune system.

Aids the Central Nervous System

Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) stimulates the growth of Nerve Growth Factor.

The Ashitaba is an ancient medicinal plant with endless benefits, however, it needs to be consumed with care as some people might be allergic to it.

Chocolate Elixir


Chocoholics can rejoice, they can finally eat chocolate, without feeling guilty about it. Despite its bad reputation for causing weight gain, chocolate, has been tied to numerous benefits such as: improving brain function, boosting energy, and other health benefits


Usually the leading reason for consuming chocolate is not health related but rather for instant gratification. Recent studies showed that eating chocolate has little to do with health and wellness, and more to do with the psychological wellbeing enjoyed when eating a chocolate. The top reason for consuming chocolate revolve around satisfying cravings. Chocolate’s appeal goes beyond functionality; the benefit emphasizes is on the emotional power it provides.


According to Mintel report, the new health trend has affected the chocolate industry, with eaters seeking new and innovative flavors, and prioritizing premium chocolate as well as healthier versions of chocolate such as the vegan chocolate recently launched by FINE & RAW and CHLOE. The dairy-free artisanal chocolates – including one infused with CBD – the nonpsychoactive cannabidiol in cannabis. The collaboration consisted of two flavors: Chocolate With Sea Salt is a sweet and salty 70 percent dark chocolate bar made from organic cacao beans, cacao butter, coconut sugar, and a touch of sea salt.


Dark chocolate is the most notorious healthy version, as it is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and a few other minerals. Furthermore it contains a wide variety of powerful antioxidants even more than most fruits.

It is important to mention that consuming chocolate, improves the blood flow in the arteries and cause a decrease in blood pressure. That is why it is considered good for the heart and even more so for the skin.

So, lets face-it,   chocolate is the only food that is as awesome that the health benefits it provides.