
Top Original Gadgets

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Sometimes nothing like cute gadgets to brighten your day. They might not be essential, but they add an element of fun and comfort.

Many fun ideas are out there , and creative people tend to come up with the odds things, marketing them through a great platform called Kickstarter for crowd funding. Hereby is our selection of cool gadgets we wished hit the market.


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The WATCHme is a cute little charging stand for smartwatch, the cute cyclop monster has not only a decorative component to it but offers companionship while charging your wearable technology such as smart watches…etc.

Whilst some people have green hands, others have lethal ones. So for that person in your life who always manages to kill every plant you bring it, Lua might be the perfect solution. Because plants have needs now thanks to Lua they can communicate them to you. It offers the perfect solution to maintain your greenery and makes you skip the hassle of an intricate setup: the free mobile app only requires an internet connection once for the download, and is then operational, even offline.

Lua offers 6 animations, directly related to the plant’s health and overall well-being, while the 9 others gives Lua and your plant, a spark of life.

  • Thirsty: When soil moisture drops under the defined threshold, you need to water your plant.

  • Sick: Too much water can kill your plant too, wait until Lua is thirsty to add water.

  • Vampire: After a few days Lua will turn into a vampire if exposure to light is not sufficient.

  • Squint: Too much exposure to light can harm your plant, when Lua is squinting it’s looking for shade.

  • Cold: When the temperature drops. Lua will sneeze the day after.

  • Hot: Lua is too hot.

  • Happy: Lua is back to normal.

  • Puzzled: Lua couldn’t read your QR code.

  • Wink: You showed a QR code to Lua and it understood it.

  • Tired: Lua will go back to sleep when there’s no movement in front of it.

  • Wake-up: When Lua senses a movement.

  • Grumpy: Random animation. If stretch goal #2 is reached, Lua will look grumpy when there’s a good chance of rain.

  • Tongue sticking out: Random animation.



 Lua uses 4 sensors to assist you in monitoring your plant’s well-being: Water level sensor, light sensor, motion sensor and temperature sensor.

Lua detects a movement and follows it with the eyes. If nothing happens, Lua will go back to sleep.

With Lua your favorite plant becomes a breathing, living, animated virtual pet. It offers companionship on those lonely days. It’s the perfect addition to your inner garden houseplants: its playful/cheerful/lively personality makes it the ideal plant companion.


Lets go back to the past, where chivalry and romance reigned supreme, the era of poetry and greatness, of courtship and delicateness. With Plume, you can experience the authenticity of writing notes rather than typing them. Plume is a fountain pen with an ergonomic grip, blending past and present.


What if your remote was a bear with attitude, a pet who you have to get acquainted with whilst it learns your habits and preferences?!

That’s Bearbot, a cute universal remote at your command.Once tamed, by performing specific gestures to teach him how to control numerous household devices, your universal remote becomes a very reliable and expressive companion which interacts with you but can still surprise you with spontaneous behaviors (sneezing, yawning and more…).

Bearbot is available for adoption as well as his cub, mini Bearbot an infrared relay.


The world of gadgets is a very vast one, once you go into it it is hard to get out. The trick is to know where to look and how to choose.



Fujifilm Unique Camera

Fujifilm released its latest innovation: The instax mini LiPlay boasts. The ground breaking camera’s small size fits just about anywhere and is perfect for on-the-go.

Available in three slick colors: ELEGANT BLACK, BLUSH GOLD, STONE WHITE it is packed with a lot of unique features like:

  • The possibility of using  the display screen to get the best shot and select the images to print.

  • The ability to convert recorded sounds into a QR code and add it to the photo. Thus allowing users to replay the sound and relive the moment just by scanning the QR code with their smartphone.
  • The option of printing pictures from their smartphones.

It only takes about 12 seconds to send and print your images.  Plus, around 100 photos can be printed on a single charge. A shutter button is also available in order to easily capture group photos by using users’ smartphone.

Walk Through The Field of Light  


When you walk through The Field of Lights created by renowned artist Bruce Munro, the wind moves the light flowers undulating with colors, making you forget the moon in his jealous sky.

Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro, is a wizard of lights, renowned for portraying light gardens birthed from fantasies and dreams.

Thanks to his competent team in his Wiltshire studio, he is able to bring his ideas to life. Bruce exhibits across the world creating large-scale immersive interventions as well as smaller detailed story pieces. He finds inspiration from his literature books, his trips across the globe and his knowledge of lights.

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Bruce Munro premiered, in May, his largest artwork to date, an enormous multi-acre walk-through installation at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. The Field of Light  it made of an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color that describe the undulating landscape.

Powered by solar, the stunning exhibition captivated visitors, inviting them to engage with the landscape and environment through an ethereal light-based and sculptural experience.

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Nature might be supreme at creating mesmerizing landscapes and gardens but Bruce Munro rivals it when it comes to making fields of light that can, not only be seen, but felt as well.

Digit Robot


The delivery industry will soon be shaken by the irruption of robots. Ford, the mega cars, pick-up trucks and SUVs producer, is set to launch a delivery robot which basically transports packages from a self-driving car to clients’ doorsteps.

Thanks to a partnership with Agility Robotics, they produced a human-like robot capable of carrying 40-pound packages.
The robot goes by the name : “Digit”, it can climb steps, walk on uneven ground, navigate around obstacles on its path in order to place a package in front of a door.
If Ford’s Digit gets confused while carrying a package, it asks guidance from the Ford’s vehicles.
Ford still didn’t disclose whether or not it will launch a commercial delivery program with Digit.
Previously, Ford test drove a similar program with Domino’s to deliver their pizzas but customers had to walk to the delivery vehicle and enter a code on a touchpad before a back-seat window would open to reveal their ordered pizza.
In a world totally run by profits and losses, the makers of such robots might should perhaps consider the fact that as they are trying to replace certain jobs with AI, one day their jobs might be jeopardized and face the same fate. As the popular saying goes, “As you do to others, the same shall be done to you”.

Space Tourism


If you gazed upon the moon and wished to go beyond the stars, you are one of the many people who fantasies about venturing into space.

Several private companies such as Virgin Galactic and Space X plan to launch space tourism, orbital/suborbital flights, for the rich and wealthy as it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Experts stipulates that by 2021, global space tourism will generate $34 billion.

The journey promises to be life changing as it helps travelers gain a deeper and fundamental worldview. Several prominent figures have shown great interest in partaking in this adventure, the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Ashton Kutcher, have signed on to the project.

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By 2025 Space X is even set to provide flights beyond the moon, more precisely to Mars.

So if you fancy space tourism, it is time to start saving some money 🙂

The Straw Predicament


Who would think that a small plastic straw could have a ravaging effect on the environment?! We expect it to come with every beverage that we order, without much thought. But when added up, plastic straws create a big problem for the eco-system.

The situation became so serious that several states like for example Washington, D.C, has issued a ban on plastic straws in restaurants and other service businesses. Several establishments such as Starbucks and McDonald’s announced plans to go straw-less soon.


That’s where LOLIWARE comes in. It has pioneered the world’s leading seaweed technology to replace single use plastics. LOLIWARE’s products harness LIST (LOLIWARE Intelligent Seaweed Technologies) to create single use items designed to disappear. LOLIWARE is poised to completely replace single-use plastics beginning with the launch of the company’s new seaweed-based straw. LOLIWARE’s Straw, The Straw of the Future, looks, feels and acts like plastic, but is made from 100% food grade materials.  It is designed to disappear either through composting or natural processes.


The LOLIWARE Straw is 100% plant-based, hyper-compostable and marine degradable, in addition to being gluten-free, sugar-free, and non-GMO. With a mouth-feel similar to traditional straws, and vegetable-based colors, the LOLIWARE Straw introduces an environmentally friendly solution to the global plastics problem, without compromising the user experience or requiring a shift in consumer behavior. The straws target pricing parity with current plastic straw alternatives on the market.


The LOLIWARE Straw can withstand over 18 hours of continuous use and is made with seaweed, a regenerative resource which sequesters C02  vs. paper straws which require tree-based resources and last up to an hour.

LOLIWARE CEO Chelsea Fawn Briganti is pioneering a plastic-free future with an interdisciplinary team of leading material scientists, food technologists, seaweed biologists, and biopolymerists. The team is focused on replacing the 360 billion plastic straws used globally every year. “Every piece of plastic ever created still exists,” says Briganti. “There are five trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans; an estimated ten million tons of plastic is produced every second. Single use plastics should never be built to last, they should be designed to disappear.”

Several initiatives have been launched to counter the ecological problem. If businesses can help without it disturbing their routine, this constitutes a win-win situation and can be lucrative in the long-run as it labels them as socially-aware establishments.

The Real Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He is the father of forensic science, as he always uses science and attention to details to solve murder cases.


Behind this fictional character stands, Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, a genius physician and British writer acclaimed mostly for his fifty crime fiction stories featuring the captivating character: Sherlock Holmes. Although he was the author of historical, spiritual and fictional stories, Holmes remains his most celebrated one.


Hereby some facts that you didn’t know about Conan Doyle:

  • Conan Doyle came from a highly artistic background. His father as well as uncles were artists.
  • Conan studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh Medical School and practical botany at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.
  • Doyle was a loyal man, he remained married to Louisa Hawkin, his first wife, despite falling in love with another. He maintained a platonic relationship with his second wife-to-be Jean Elizabeth Leckie while his first wife was still alive. In 1907, after the death of his first wife, he married Jean Elizabeth Leckie.
  • A Study in Scarlet was originally named Tangled Skein, however after several rejections, it was renamed. Published in 1887, it was written in 1886, the story marks the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who would become the most famous detective duo in popular fiction.
  • All of Doyle’s children died, from health issues, at a young age.
  • Conan was obsessed with justice as his protagonist, Sherlock was. He often investigated cases that he believed were faulty. Thanks to his analytical skills and forensic savoir-faire, he successfully exonerated innocent people that were wrongfully convicted.
  • He was initiated as a Freemason (in 1887) but left it for good in 1911.
  • Conan Doyle believed in the paranormal, that the spirit of the dead continued to exist and were reachable by the living. He believed in the existence of fairies.
  • Conan Doyle played sports in his lifetime. His favorite sport was cricket.
  • In 1900, he ran for parliament twice in Edinburgh but failed to be elected.
  • He despised Sherlock Holmes and thought that he was taking all the attention away from his other features. He tried sabotaging Sherlock Holmes by asking extortionate fees from publishers, but failed as they were happy to pay.
  • A square was named after him in Meiringen, Switzerland, where the scene of The Adventure of the Final Problem took place.
  • He said to have died in 7 July 1930 in his garden, after whispering to his wife: “You are wonderful.”

Whether you like Sherlock Holmes or not, you can’t but admire his acute sense of observation and analytical skills as well as his intense sense of pride. Conan might not have been a fan of the detective but in essence he was his alter-ego.

A Mount-Everest Power Plant

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Copenhagen is on course for becoming the world’s first zero-carbon city by 2025. On its quest to realize its goal, it is resorting to creative ways, such as establishing a ski slope on a waste-to-power incinerator. This original idea will not only allow Copenhagen to be eco-friendly but a touristic attraction as well.


Usually, incinerators are established outside the cities for health reasons, however, this plant is different because instead of emitting smoke plumes, the plant will blow smoke rings.

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Designed by Bjarke Ingels Group, the energy plant will turn trash into power that will then go to the city’s grid. It will generate less CO2 than the city’s former plant.

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The plant features a one of its kind 2,000-foot-long ski slope and the world’s tallest artificial climbing wall. It will serve a ski slope in winter.

Around 57,000 people are expected to use the facility’s ski slope and recreation area comprised of: water sports, soccer fields, and a go-kart track surrounds the building.

The $643 million project will not only be the world’s most efficient waste burning and energy-generating plant in the world but also an original and one of its kind touristic attraction with ample benefits:

  • Generating 25% more energy from the same amount of waste.
  • Emitting 100,000 fewer tons of CO2
  • The reuse 90% of the metal waste
  • Powering 62,500 homes and providing 160,000 homes with hot water

Copenhagen ambition is exemplary as it shows other countries that investing in eco-friendly initiatives might be expensive but if done smartly it can generate money not only economize on expenses in the long run.

The Robot Companion


It seems as if fiction is slowly turning into reality. Who would have thought that The Jetsons, the American animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera, would give us a glimpse into reality and that Rosie, the Jetsons’ household robot would serve as a prototype for the future.

With loneliness spreading like an epidemic, in countries such as the US, Japan and London, counter-measures are being taken to tackle the problem. Britain for example, appointed a “minister of loneliness”, Japan started building companion robots because the NLI Research Institute projected that by 2020, living alone will be the norm there.

Although nothing could ever replace the sweet comfort and companionship of a real human being, some people have no alternative thus the need for these robots.



Senior living communities face many challenges. Rising operating costs, increasing acuity levels, staff turnover and competition make it challenging to improve resident care and satisfaction. SAM, combines the very best in cutting-edge technology and human touch to provide frequent check-ins and non-medical care for residents in long-term care settings.


Access your favorite Amazon Alexa features. Simply enable the Lynx skill in the Alexa app, and ask Lynx to perform your favorite Alexa commands – play music, search show times, check traffic, weather, news reports and more. Supported by Alexa’s ever-evolving capabilities, Lynx is the smart home robot destined to get smarter and smarter. Enable Avatar Mode in the Lynx app from anywhere in the world. You can see, hear, and speak – all through your Lynx robot. You can also ask Lynx to perform functions such as wave hi, give a hug, or dance by using the Lynx Robot app on your smartphone. Lynx is a highly advanced robot with enormous capacity to react to you and its environment. Capacitive touch sensors let Lynx respond to human touch. The PIR sensor, located on the chest, detect changes in light and motion. Within Surveillance mode, activating the PIR sensor will trigger an automatic thirty seconds of encrypted video to be recorded and transferred securely to the Lynx Robot app for your viewing.

BUDDY is an endearing emotional robot that wins the heart of the whole family, including children and adults. And it is not his 60 cm high that will stop him in his quest for bringing the family around a new emotional experience. BUDDY has a range of emotions that he will express naturally throughout the day based on his interactions with family members. He will be happy to give you a warm welcome when you come home, he will sometimes be grumpy if you have not paid attention to him, or sometimes without any particular reason, just because that morning, he is not in a good mood. Behind this sweet name hides a robot with gentle curves, big sparkling eyes and a smile radiating the atmosphere, thus creating empathy and the desire to interact.
As a real companion, BUDDY walks around your house like a pet. He is not just a friendly presence in the home, he is a real Swiss army knife that has many other really useful features.
BUDDY connects, protects and interacts with every member of your family. Behind his cheerful and sweet little face, BUDDY is your personal assistant, watches over your home, entertains your children and interacts with your smart home connected devices, among many other service


Powered by Elemental Path Friendgine Technology! STEMosaur speaks, listen, learns and laughs – just like all cutting-edge CogniToys. Featuring an award winning coding panel that makes learning to code easy and fun. 5 easy to learn lessons will have you coding new tricks into your STEMosaur in no time. STEMosaur comes in seven easy-to-assemble pieces—empowering little creators to get excited about engineering while discovering just how their STEMosaur works. STEMosaur’s kid-friendly coding panel enables little learners to create their own unique content and code it into their STEMosaur. So easy even parents can do it. STEMosaur comes packed with all the fun CogniToys learning experiences that kids around the world have grown to love. Ask questions, play games, and even create stories together!

Miko is an emotionally intelligent robot, it can talk, respond, educate, and provide entertainment. It understands the person’s emotions and preferences. The more the individual interacts with Miko, the more it learns about him or her. As the person evolves so does Miko. Its knowledge base also increases with automatic updating.


PARO is an advanced interactive robot developed by AIST, a leading Japanese industrial automation pioneer. It allows the documented benefits of animal therapy to be administered to patients in environments such as hospitals and extended care facilities where live animals present treatment or logistical difficulties. ARO has five kinds of sensors: tactile, light, audition, temperature, and posture sensors, with which it can perceive people and its environment. With the light sensor, PARO can recognize light and dark. He feels being stroked and beaten by tactile sensor, or being held by the posture sensor. PARO can also recognize the direction of voice and words such as its name, greetings, and praise with its audio sensor.

PARO can learn to behave in a way that the user prefers, and to respond to its new name. For example, if you stroke it every time you touch it, PARO will remember your previous action and try to repeat that action to be stroked. If you hit it, PARO remembers its previous action and tries not to do that action.

By interaction with people, PARO responds as if it is alive, moving its head and legs, making sounds, and showing your preferred behavior. PARO also imitates the voice of a real baby harp seal.


The first social robot for the home who looks, listens and learns. Artificially intelligent, authentically charming. Jibo is designed to be a helpful presence in the home. Ask him questions, get the forecast, or check your flight status: whatever you need, he’s got you covered. Over-the-air software updates keep his skill set evolving, so he’s constantly growing and learning.

The telepresence robot that acts as the child’s eyes, ears and voice in the classroom.

KOMP lets digital children and grandchildren share photos, messages and make video calls with their analogue grandparents.

It is regreatful that humans are evolving so fast yet growing so much a part, to the point that they have to seek the comfort of robots rather than others.

The Real Iron Man


If you are familiar with comic books and the Marvel world, you surely heard of the fictional superhero: Tony Stark, the genius billionaire engineer, who creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil thus becoming Iron Man.

Whilst Elon Reeve Musk  is a technology entrepreneur and engineer founder, CEO, and lead designer of SpaceX;  co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; co-founder and CEO of Neuralink; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of PayPal. In December 2016, he was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of The World’s Most Powerful People.  As of October 2018, he has a net worth of $22.8 billion and is listed by Forbes as the 54th-richest person in the world.


At first glance, one cannot shake the ironic similarities between the fictional Tony Stark, a tech-entrepreneur, genius inventor, and absolute playboy who is the CEO of Stark Industries, and Elon Musk who heads the Tesla empire which brought fully-electric vehicles to the mass market.


Whilst Tony Stark,  uses his technical knowledge to create armors which he uses to counterattack those that would threaten peace around the world, Elon Musk uses his genius to blur the boundaries between earth and the sky, striving to save earth from an eco-disaster.

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Thanks to Tesla, he was able to provide people with an eco-alternative, winning them over by proving that they didn’t need to compromise to drive electric; they can have their cool sports cars that are simply electric. So they can still enjoy the particularities of a fast car whilst being eco-friendly.   Tesla’s tycoon Elon Musk, believes the faster the world stops relying on fossil fuels and moves towards a zero-emission future, the better. Tesla designed the world’s first ever premium all-electric sedan from the ground up – Model S – which has become the best car in its class in every category.  Tesla continues to make products accessible and affordable to more and more people, ultimately accelerating the advent of clean transport and clean energy production. Electric cars, batteries, and renewable energy generation and storage already exist independently, but when combined, they become even more powerful.tesla 2

Elon Musk also in his quest for humanity’s salvation is seeking to offer them an alternative lodging, in the galaxy, more precisely on Mars. He launched his aero company for this motive; SpaceX, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. valued at more than $20 billion, is a private American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.  Musk believes that by 2050, he will build a self-sufficient city on Mars, and offer cheap trips thanks to SpaceX’s new rocket ship, called Starship. Thus enabling people to “sell their home on Earth & move to Mars if they want”, as reported by Elon Musk.


For a billionaire, Elon has a great heart, in 2015 Musk gifted 1.2 million Tesla shares to his foundation, which spent $480,000 in late 2018 to provide clean drinking water to schools in Flint, Michigan.

It took one tweet from a complete stranger, Mabz@MabzMagz, urging Musk to help save the 12 Thailand boys and their coach trapped out in a flooded cave, to spring him into action. Like a summoned IronMan, within five days Musk’s engineers had built a mini-submarine and delivered it to the rescue team.

Elon Musk, like his alter ego, Tony Stark, has his inner-demons and struggles; however, he is undeniably a genius and has the noblest intentions although his delivery is, sometimes, questionable.

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